For queries

PPTX and DOCX may be circulated via DCS or direct emails to SLS CG reviewers

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Indicate Teaching Subject For New Officers:

updated 2022 15 Jan will do via personal mails from

For new CG Admins to indicate your teaching subjects to facilitate assigning of lessons for review.

E-Catalogue for Teacher-Contributed SLS Community Gallery Lessons ver.20212117 e_catalogue_by_SLS_data.xlsm

Home Based Learning CG Chief Admin


For new CG Chief Admin(s) after May 19, 2021, in preparation of HBL.


  1. What if there are minor changes?

    • These refer to typos and incorrect tagging

    • CG Admins can make quick edits and publish to CG

  2. What if there are major changes?

    • These refer to obvious copyright infringement and missing diagrams and videos

    • CG Admins can “return” lesson to teacher with feedback

  3. Is there a feedback template?

    • Please refer to Annex A for common errors and suggested replies to teachers

  4. Why are teachers allowed to submit featured lessons/courses again?

    • Teachers are allowed to “copy” lessons/courses

    • Some teachers may edit these “copied” lessons/courses

    • Eventually, the final iteration may not be the same as the original

    • However, the system recognizes the “origin” of the lesson and hence requires CG Admin to make a judgement call to feature, replace or return lesson/course

  5. What if I am not an expert in content and pedagogy?

    • ETOs are only expected to check for content in general

    • ETOs are not expected to ensure sound pedagogy used in lessons/courses

  6. Possible copyright infringement of YouTube video in SLS?

    • Thank you for contacting us to clarify on the matter. Since the video is uploaded to YouTube and only embedded in SLS, the copyright issues should be raised with YouTube and the YouTube account that uploaded the video. You may also refer to YouTube Terms of Service for more information. Hope this clarifies.

  7. Should MOE library lesson be featured, given that it duplicates a MOE library lesson but not a community gallery lesson?

    • Yes, if there is value added by the teacher

    • No, if it is the exact same copy of the MOE library lesson, to prevent duplication with no returns to SLS

    • If already published, CG take down usually happens on MOE officer or teacher request or HELPdesk inquiry on insensitive content etc

  8. Will CPDD merge the submitted CG lesson into their MOE library lesson?

    • Depends on CPDD's own lesson/course improvement processes.

  9. Picture of an experimental setup from the publisher’s science textbook and another from the science workbook, are these strictly prohibited?

    • Thank you for your submission. We noticed that you have featured materials (screenshots or photo) of the textbook or assessment textbooks. Please remove the featured textbook images/materials and replace it with its referenced page number(s) in the textbook/assessment book. You could check this YouTube on how to make your own resources using SLS features and images from open sources

  10. Picture is from an assessment book? A single picture. Can that fall under fair use?

    • Thank you for your submission. We noticed that you have featured materials (screenshots or photo) of the textbook or assessment textbooks. Please remove the featured textbook images/materials and replace it with its referenced page number(s) in the textbook/assessment book. You could check this YouTube on how to make your own resources using SLS features and images from open sources, and remember to cite the sources

  11. How to credit the source in the image for the cover page?

  12. If the image states “Content in the frame is from an external source”, does it mean that the source has been credited?

    • current stance is no need, but if possible good

  13. I would like to suggest that Learning Activity 8 be converted to MCQ instead of a free response answer because it will make the task easier for the students to understand and complete. In addition, no suggested answer was given for the activity so it may be difficult for students to get feedback on their answers and for the teacher to monitor their learning. May I go ahead to edit the activity or should I ask the teacher to do so?

    • if CG reviewer is ok, please go ahead and edit using Star Resources [1][2][3] for quick copy and paste

    • else it is ok to also ask the teacher to do it

  14. Can SLS identify authors via the "Media Description" (visible in lesson editing mode only, normal viewing of lesson cannot see) or must type in author in lesson visibly below each and every resource, or can put in lesson or simplify in lesson description one line? For example, "All images of Stellar reader

    • There is no fixed or standard way to identify. As mentioned, the identification has to be clear and reasonably prominent where it can be seen

  15. Can teachers to take and put in SLS as an interactive textbook?

    • We usually encourage officer to seek permission where possible, if cannot get permission, it is better to not use, to protect MOE's reputation

  16. has a PDF on FAQsonCopyrightIssues.pdf, is there an updated version to share on SLS?

    • IP Section will try to provide the same intranet PDF after it is updated. (SLS asked on 1 march 2022)

  17. Who owns the copyright to CG lessons?

    • Normally (during office hours and using office resources), if teacher created work, it belongs to MOE, under Instruction Manual (IM) rather than copyright act. With the exception of work created during the teacher’s spare time, without school resources (i.e. video taken on holiday). Generally, their resources would be owned by their schools then no issue putting in CG.

  18. Must every teacher created resource be attributed?

    • In copyright statements, it is encouraged practice "Copyright © 2019 Unity Primary School", SLS also accepts NOT to indicate school names due to concerns of school name as branding, thus SLS CG can accept blank copyright statements for teacher created resource

  19. How to attribute teacher created resources?

    • “copyright ABC school, year 20XX”, else blank is fine too

  20. Can I copy third-party material from the Internet onto a SLS CG lessons?

    • Depends, copyright protects the essence of the work, i.e. quality over quantity, better to not put a number 10%. e.g. if one page of a twenty page book has the essence, might (non-essence) or might not be copied. Read New educational exception 7 but good to ask creator for permission when in doubt

  21. Can the teacher reproduced a book not found on the internet?

    • Yes, if a copy of a book that is out of print, cannot be easily found, may be considered fair use and also read New educational exception 7 but good to ask creator for permission when in doubt