Garden Club

About garden Club

Welcome to our website! We are a group of students who are passionate about gardening, sustainability, and the environment. 

We have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with gardening and learn about a variety of topics such as plant care, composting, and sustainable agriculture. We also have the chance to give back to our school and local community by maintaining and beautifying our school garden. 

We welcome all students who are interested in joining us and learning more about gardening and sustainability. No prior experience is necessary - just a willingness to get your hands dirty and learn something new! Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to get involved. We hope to see you in the garden Wednesdays after school!

Garden Club FAQs

Can I take home food from the garden? Yes! When we meet on Wednesdays you are welcome to take home anything that we harvest.

Can I grow a specific plant? Yes! We have access to funding to grow almost any plant. If there is something you really want to grow, reach out to  Ms. Roussel. You can email her at or find her in room 1001at break or lunch.

What plants do you have in the garden? 

Depends on the month, but here are plants that we have grown in the past: