Empower Learners

The Empower Learners segment of Cyclical Unit Design is a transitional segment sandwiched between prior learning and new learning that is too often overlooked.

The real goal is to enhance student academic self-efficacy (belief that one will succeed in your class) by engaging students in three types of activities: self-assessment, goal setting, and action planning. In a nutshell - we hope to help students connect the dots between the effortful use of effective learning strategies and academic outcomes. We hope to communicate that learning isn't magic. We aren't born 'smart' or 'dumb' - but rather, we can all succeed at learning if we exert the effort required of success.

Helping students to accurately self-assess, set SMART goals, and use effective learning strategies are hallmarks of promoting self-regulated learning.

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Example Empower Learner Activities

Build Your Own

Across Nebraska, educators are using this BlendEd Best Practices Unit Plan Template to organize their work. Below is a screenshot of the Empower Learner Activity support.

The first step is identifying the Unit's Learning Objectives. Many times these can be found within the text / curriculum you use in your classroom.

After identifying the Unit's Learning Objectives, the next step is turning those into student-friendly statements. Students will use these to self-assess their level of confidence for accomplishing the objectives both as a pre-unit activity and post-unit activity.

More support for creating self-assessments, engaging students in goal setting, and helping students think through action planning can be found HERE.

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