For Parents

Many free and low-cost mobile apps are available to support transition-age youth with disabilities as they embark on their journey towards post-secondary education, job training, employment, and independent living. This PACER Center guide lists mobile apps that have been reviewed by parents and professionals and found to be useful and well-designed. Apps are organized into these six transition categories: exploring college and career, getting a job, vocational support, independent living skills, executive function, and reading, writing & note-taking supports.

Preparing Adolescents & Adults for Life: (click on the links below for more information)

With the goal of attaining independence and technology use as a supplement, Avi Glick shared environmental adaptations and technology used to support students enrolled in the program. Provided in his sessions were how to instructions and an overview and research performed using the technology tools they implemented. If you want to check out their research and presentations of their work they have been doing for the past four years go to their M.E.C.A .org website. They have practical but innovative technology approaches to support their ASD clients.

Preparing Adolescents and Adults for Life # 1

Preparing Adolescents and Adults for Life # 2

Social Media Safety Guides: (click on the links below for more information)

These Social Media Safety Guides will give you the information you need to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Navigating each platform’s systems and approach to defining, reporting, blocking and muting online harassment is confusing, at best. Especially when you are actively experiencing harassment. These trauma-informed guides are written in an easy Q&A style, so that you can get the information you need quickly and easily when you’re in crisis.

Twitter Safety Guide

Facebook Safety Guide

YouTube Safety Guide

Instagram Safety Guide

Tumblr Safety Guide