Timeline for Summer Honors 2024

If you have any questions, please contact either Stephanie Dannehl or Destinee Steinke at 308-995-6585 or stephanie.dannehl@esu11.org or destinee.steinke@esu11.org.

 Portfolio/Resume sheets will be available online for nominating teachers and nominated students to access.

  If you have any questions on this, please contact either Destinee or Stephanie at 308-995-6585 or


Summer Honors Program 2024

Will be held June 9 – June 21

What is Summer Honors

The nationally recognized program is sponsored by Educational Service Unit #11 in Holdrege. (The program was recognized by the International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development as one of the top gifted programs for rural students in the nation.) 

The Summer Honors Program is a two-week, summer school program designed to help students learn as much advanced subject matter in their areas of study as possible. The program is housed out of the Holdrege High School.  It is designed to help students find out exactly how far they can go in two weeks in one subject area if they are allowed to progress as fast as they can. According to Janelle Jack, Coordinator of Gifted Education at ESU #11 (2013 - 2022),  “The Summer Honors Program brings master teachers from across the country to Holdrege so that students are exposed to as many expert teachers and geographic backgrounds as possible.”

During January each year, teachers are asked to nominate their best students in the areas of Architecture, Art, Creative Writing, Computer Science, Film, Office Intern, Logic, Psychology, Drama, Math and Medical Science. These students were given a test or asked to submit a portfolio of original work in order to qualify for the program. There were 296 student nominations for SHP 2024 from the six-county area served by Educational Service Unit #11 and 111 of those students were selected as finalists for the program based on their test scores, written work or portfolios.

This “typical” day schedule is in effect on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the first week. Classes will dismiss at 4:00 PM the first Friday with no afternoon break. There will be no Saturday classes. The second week of classes are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday is the last day of the program.  Reception and “Graduation” exercises will be scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on that last Friday.

    8:30 AM                       Arrive at School        Cafeteria

    8:45 AM                       Announcements       Cafeteria

    9:00 AM -12:30 PM    Morning Classes       Assigned Rooms

    10:30 AM                     15 Minute Break         Cafeteria

    12:30 PM - 2:00 PM   Lunch Break                Choice

    2:00 PM                      Afternoon Classes     Assigned Rooms

    3:30 PM                      15 Minute Break          Cafeteria

    5:00 PM                     Classes Dismiss

    8:00 PM                     Evening activities dismiss

The evening Large Group Activities include the Get to Know you Night, Poetry Slam, Swimming, Talent Show, Game Night and Dinner/Dance. 

The Medical Science students’ days are quite different because they will be in Kearney, and Holdrege at various facilities during the first week and rural hospitals during the second week, including Phelps Memorial Health Center in Holdrege, Lexington Regional Hospital in Lexington, CHI Hospital and Kearney Regional Hospital both in Kearney. 

The Summer Honors Program is a work school, not a vacation school.