Latest Projects





Mitrovica wastewater development project

Regional Water Company Mitrovica (RWCM)

Project Duration: 15.04.2023 – ongoing

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The assignment aims to support with local experts and non key experts during the implementation of the contract. This three year contracts aims to support the client in the Design and development of the infrastructural projects including: • Sewerage network for the Mitrovica municipality; • Sewerage network for the Vushtrri municipality; • Wastewater treatment plant for over 120 PE. Beside the design of the sewerage network, and the conceptual design of the wastewater treatment plant, the scope of work includes the procurement and contracting of the three unmentioned contracts, and in addition to these also the procurement of a FOPIP contract as per EBRD projects.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

The Consultant shall perform the following main tasks, further detail of which is provided under each relevant heading: 

3.1 Assistance with the Establishment of the PIU 

3.2 Assistance with Procurement, Tendering and Contract implementation

3.3 Assistance with Compliance & Reporting Obligations under the Financing Documents 

3.4 Environmental and Social Implementation Support


Feasibility study for the regional landfill of Prishtina in Mirash - Obiliq

For the Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning and Infrastructure of the Republic of Kosovo 

Project Duration: 01.12.2022 – 10.10.2023

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The assignment of this contract was to provide expertise on two proposals for the treatment of the current landfill, financial feasibility for the implementation and potential construction of 2 different landfills and preparation of the procurement documents for 2 projects (one of them presenting the FIDIC yellow book via the Kosovo public procurement system, and the other one presenting the FIDIC red book. The main objective of this study was to provide two options of the revitalization towards closure of the regional landfill in Mirash. ESS LLC was a subconsultant of the consortium lead by Infraplus LLC, on behalf of which our team  provided support in the feasibility analysis of 2 proposed options for the treatment towards closure of the landfill, two procurement dossiers (one Fidic Yellow and one Fidic RED book) and implemented all content of the feasibility study related to solid waste management, institutional setup and operation of the landfill and the waste processing/recycling treatment within the landfill. The Successful implementations of all tasks and duties contracted via the contract “Feasibility study for the regional landfill of Prishtina in Mirash – Obiliq"1 issued from the Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning and Infrastructure of the Republic of Kosova (The client), with the contract number 210-22-2971-2-1-1/C173 signed on 02/09/2022 in Prishtina with internal contract number MMPHI 205 22 008 211 is supported with the official subcontract and reference.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

The performed tasks consist of the obligations foreseen in the contract requested by the donor, including: 1. Scanning and preliminary assessment of the landfill condition 2. Content of the feasibility study for the field research phase 3. Content of the feasibility study for the Optional Solution and Operation phase 4. Content of the feasibility study for Financial Analysis 5. Content of the feasibility study for the graphic part and planimetry 6. Prepare a preliminary and detailed project for landfill rehabilitation


Supporting the reorganization of waste container locations for Skenderaj municipality city center

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS) SMS

Project Duration: 15.09.2022 - 01.11.2022 

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

This assignment aimed to support the GIZ Project and the Municipality of Skenderaj in optimizing waste collection in alignment with local Solid Waste Management Plans (SWMPs). Additionally, it aimed to offer a comprehensive concept for container reorganization as an approach of enhancing the capacity of municipalities in Kosovo.The achievements of the project implementation includes: - Assessed the current state of waste management and collection services in the city centre, including container distributions and collection routes for multi-entry buildings, institutions, and businesses. This process involved active engagement with relevant stakeholders. -Developed a proposal for reorganization of waste collection service, utilizing the city center as a case study and adhering to standards such as proximity, waste volume, population density, etc. -Identified and described viable models for reorganizing container locations into efficient waste collection systems, while also focusing on capacity building within Kosovo's municipalities.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

The tasks performed consists on: 

• Development of the concept for reorganization of waste collection services in the city centre of Skenderaj municipality including: 

i) Establishment of a stakeholder working group; 

ii)Analysis of the existing situation in the city centre including municipal waste profile, spatial development plans, including urban development plan, urban regulatory plan, draft municipal development plan and draft zoning map; neighbourhood typology, current population density, projected population growth, projected density growth; number of households, institutions and businesses receiving waste collection services; the multi-entry buildings typology and current and planned occupancy rate; existing and planned road network, the waste amounts based on the current and projected population density; 

iii)Assign number, type, size and location of containers per building blocks, including necessary budget allocation for new containers; 

Define collection methods by specifying waste collection truck capacity, operation times/ hours in alignment with current operative plan, and updated waste collection routes 

• Development of Information campaign and participation plan including: Effective communication and information tools; Conduct workshops with municipal officials and service providers to determine the process of container reorganization; Support the municipality to facilitate public meetings with the community


Expanding the separation at source and differentiated waste collection system in Vushtria municipality

Municipality of Vushtrri

Project Duration: 15.08.2020 – 10.02.2021

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

Main objective of this cooperation aims at developing of municipal waste management plans in order to expand the coverage of waste separate collection covering urban and suburban areas of the municipality of Vushtri, therefore to cope with the requirements of the Strategy and National Plan for Integrated Waste Management. Implementation of Local Waste Management Plans through Performance Monitoring and Partnership with Citizens and Councils for Service Improve-ments. The activities performed: Capacity building workshops on monitoring, performance indicators and waste data collection tools, waste service cost calculation; Development and application of the surveys’ tools (action plans monitoring, calculation of qualitative and quantitative indicators, citizens sur-vey, waste database); Development of full cost accounting module for mu-nicipal tariff setting; Stakeholder dialogue, establishment of a constant inter-action mechanisms between the local units (planning and implementation of waste policies and service provision), municipal councils (decision makers at local level) and the customers (service receivers and the real evaluators).

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

 The tasks performed consists on: • Identifying and analysis of different experiences, pilot projects, ideas and real possibilities of municipality, to enable recycling. • Design and carry out the survey regarding identification of possibilities and opportunities for the establishment of the recycling scheme in the city. • Stakeholders analyse and potential initiatives from private businesses for the construction of a recycling scheme. • Define of the amount of potential recycled waste streams /recyclable rate in the Municipality. • Analysis of costs and revenues of the recycling scheme and draft investment plan for pilot projects. • Develop monitoring instruments for recycling scheme at Municipality (indicators, reporting model, data base for waste stream, etc.) • Develop terms of reference for the investment plan for recycling pilots projects • Proposal of the main elements of information and communications program • Presentation of the recycling scheme in the city council meeting of the Vushtri municipality.


Preparation of the plan for rehabilitation of transfer station in Gjakova Municipality

Green Art Center - GAC

Project Duration: 05.05.2020 12.07.2021

The assignment aims to provide potential models for sustainability actions for permanent elimination of different types of illegal landfills including a set of tools for municipalities for prioritization of illegal landfills and most suitable model for permanent elimination with regards to most likely cause of appearance of illegal landfill.

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

Support the Municipality of Gjakova to prepare the action plan for the rehabilitation of the transfer station based on feasibility study for environmental situation of the transfer station, cost calculation for cleaning up intervention based on pre-calculation of waste generated and deposited into years, capital investments for rehabilitation and cost calculation for requested investments for functionalization according to the integrated municipal waste management plans.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

• Waste management planning 

•Operational aspects of each activity in waste management 

•Waste minimization (re-using, recycling, composting technics) 

•Financial aspect of waste management activities 

•Monitoring, information


Support to waste management institutional reforms in Decan municipality

Green Art Center (GAC)

Project Duration: 02.12.2019-30.03.2020

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The Project has aimed at expanding the coverage of waste separate collection covering the whole territory of the municipality of Deçan and implementing institutional reforms into the sector, in order to cope with the requirements of the Strategy and National Plan for Waste Management and Local Waste Management Plan.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project :

The tasks performed consists on: 

• Assess local institution with a focus on preparing the action plan and harmonizing with the operational plan; 

• Creating a software database for the public company; 

• Client analyses: standardizing the list of customers by category, verifying the list of customers in the waste management sector, compiling lists of households and businesses for the ex-tension of the waste collection service at the municipal level; Extension planning: 

•  HR capacity& Financial management capacity;

 • Capacity building of municipal officials and the local public enterprise "Higjiena" for the implementation of the action plan for the extension of service and preparation of con-tracts with clients.


"Development of Operational Plan for municipalities of Mitrovica Region"

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS) SMS

Project Duration: 21.08.2023-31.10.2023

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

 Based on the local SWMPs and regional plan on waste management, this project aims to increase and sustain the benefits of the existing Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Mitrovica South, a 3.5 million EUR investment from Central level by providing a comprehensive operator model for waste collection and disposal and support the capacity development of the three municipalities and the future service providers.

 Such an action will enable for Public Waste Collection Companies (PWCCs) to utilize operational and staff capacities to provide efficient waste management services in three municipalities. The objective of the Project to assist the GIZ Project and the Municipalities of Vushtri, South Mitrovica, and Skenderaj in reviewing the existing operational plan by taking into consideration proposals and a concrete operational plan for integrating the separate waste collection (SAS) system within the region. Additionally, the preparation and implementation of the operational plan ensures: 

i. Extension of the service in the entire area of the region; 

ii. Ensure a clean environment through better management of the waste; iii. Ensure unified collection and transportation system for recyclable waste fraction in the waste management; 

iv. Ensure full participation and awareness of residents and businesses for the protection of environment through adequate behavior in waste management; 

v. Strengthen the inspection and enforcement of the law and regulations on waste management.


Support to the centralization of waste management revenue collection operator model

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS) SMS

Project Duration: 02.05.2021-15.02.2022

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The assignment aims to provide assistance to GIZ SMS project in reviewing and consolidating the existing municipal waste fee collection operator model, develop a detailed guideline on a fee collection operator model and propose an institutional embedment of the process in the central government which will serve as a one stop shop and support for the municipalities interested to take over the waste fee collection for their respective territory.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

The tasks performed consists on: 

• Assess legal framework and institutional arrangements of sector line Ministries in order to select the adequate ministry/department from which the support/facilitation to municipalities on waste fee collection operator model will be provided; 

• Review and consolidate the existing operator model (currently practiced by three municipalities) and provide an assessment on legal, institutional and financial aspect of the waste management fee collection system; 

• Review the existing software of billing and revenue collection (installed in four municipalities), coordinating local and national pro-cesses and develop Terms of Reference for a billing and fee collection software, including necessary updates and additional requests/needs of the municipalities; 

• Provide training to the appointed ministry department and municipal officials on all the activities and arrangements of the waste fee collection process based on the detailed guideline;


"Consultancy services for conducting municipal waste fraction analysis on behalf of Kosovo municipalities"

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS) SMS

Project Duration: 10.02.2021 – 15.04.2022

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The assignment aims to develop and provide technical assistance at local and central level in the development and preparation of a proper methodology for municipal waste fraction analysis and based on a standardized guideline, capacitating all stakeholders in order to enhance organizational/implementing capacities for organizing and conducting municipal waste fraction analysis on their respective territories and mentoring all actors in conducting the actual analysis in the field.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

The tasks performed consists on: •Preparation of the methodology for the development of waste analysis in standardized form. •Institutional capacity building of municipal officials at the local level and all stakeholders into the waste management sector in understanding the importance, manner of implementation of the process and reporting of municipal waste analysis activity. •Technical and practical development of waste analysis activity in 6 municipalities of six Regions in Kosovo according to the proposed methodology and revised during the process with direct involvement of local level stakeholders (waste collection companies). •Preparation of the final report for the analysis of waste fractions at the national level, harmonization of the report in the annual reporting of KEPA; •Supporting KEPA and the integration of standardized methodology in the report as well as in the annual reporting forms by municipalities and waste management companies.


"Consultancy services for conducting the baseline assessment study for project CirculaMare in the Mediterranean Region"

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (Alliance) in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS) SMS

Project Duration: 01.09.2021 – 31.03.2022 

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The assignment aimed to provide a detailed assessment study of plastic waste material flows and existing plastic waste management practices and trends in the following two river basins. These basins were the Ibar River and Gazivode Lake, serving as tributaries of the Danube, which flows into the Black Sea. Additionally, the assessment covered the White Drin River, whose water belonged to the Adriatic basin. Environmental and Social Studies (ESS) Limited Liability Company (LLC) had provided a detailed assessment study of plastic waste material flows and existing plastic waste management practices and trends in the following river basins, including:

I) Ibar River and Gazivode Lake, including five municipalities: Mitrovica South, Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Leposavic, and Zvecan.

II) White Drin River, encompassing six municipalities: Peja, Gjakova, Junik, Decan, Istog, and Klina.


Services provided by the legal entity for the project:

The tasks performed consists on the preparation of draft plans and recommendations for a strategic program for integrated solid waste management in the municipalities along the river basin; for enhancement of existing capacities, improvement of selected elements of the plastic waste value chain, promotion of innovations along the plastic waste value chain and implementation of activities engaging with all relevant stakeholder, including:

• Required plastic waste management infrastructure (e.g. separation at source, collection system, material recovery facilities sites and transportation plan for managing plastic waste streams in most efficient manner) in the selected cities;

• Measures for developing an efficient and sustainable intermunicipal collection system along the river basin, including awareness and stakeholder engagement strategy plans on plastic waste management;

• Necessary legal and policy changes to assure sustainable plastic waste management, including plastic waste prevention;

• Inclusion of informal resource collectors (if applicable in the two river basins) including required interventions;

• drafting the plan for improving plastic recycling (especially for low-value plastic waste), including innovations (e.g., advanced recycling), viable business models, governmental funding schemes and incentives, etc.;

• Establishing an integrated digital system for plastic waste tracking, monitoring and identification of plastic leakage hotspots and dumpsites along the river basins;

• Improving data management systems, including monitoring and evaluation, for municipal officials, waste workers, NGOs, and waste management companies.


|Support to the strengthening of capacities for solid waste management sector in Kosovo|

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS) SMS

Project Duration: 02.9.2020-30.09. 2021

Detailed description of project (background, objectives and main activities):

The assignment aims to provide potential models for sustainability actions for permanent elimination of different types of illegal landfills including a set of tools for municipalities for prioritization of illegal landfills and most suitable model for permanent elimination with regards to most likely cause of appearance of illegal landfill. Additional, the project aims to assess local and central institutions in developing national standardized instruction on illegal landfill categorization.

Services provided by the legal entity for the project The tasks performed consists on: 

• Provide an administrative instruction at the national level for categorization and elimination process description including aftercare of sites for different types of illegal landfills for further implementation act at the local level; 

• Provide best practices in sustainable and permanent elimination of illegal dumpsites applicable to Kosovo situation; prepare set of recommendations for permanent elimination measures of different types of illegal landfills (at local level); 

• Provide an assessment on current process of planning and performing elimination of illegal landfills on municipal level; 

• Provide a set of recommendation for municipalities for endorsement of measures recommended from national level; prepare and develop model of action plan for process of elimination of illegal landfills by including financial and need assessment instruction for suit-able removal and aftercare plan; 

• Increase capacities for municipal working groups by assisting in developing action plan for permanent removal of illegal dumpsites; • Devel-op a set of recommendation for suitable models for permanent elimination of illegal dumps for further dissemination in all municipalities in Kosovo.
