Environmental Sustainable Solutions ESS L.L.C.



ESS Environmental Sustainable Solutions L.L.C. is a consulting company and a reliable partner and contractor providing consultancy/engineering solutions in waste and waste water management, urban planning and design, energy and recycling, construction and project management, including institutional and corporate support for legal framework development, research, financial analyses and institutional support.

Since establishment, we have become a home for experienced experts who are eager and willing to provide professional services and share their experience, as we provide professional administrative support to them, and give them space and the necessary legal platform to operate and get contracted.

ESS Environmental Sustainable Solutions L.L.C. is headquartered in Prishtina, Kosova and operates mainly in the Balkans Region.


Since its establishment in 2019, ESS L.L.C. has implemented several contracts engaging various experts to provide services as:

Development of policies and strategies for the public sector, including water supply, waste management, waste water management, energy efficiency ect;

Development of local and national waste management plans; waste water treatment plans; engineering design of landfills and transfer stations;

Legal framework development support, including the facilitation of sector discussions with institutions, civil society, industry and local and central authorities;

Project supervision and procurement support for public companies in waste management sector;

Capacity building for local and regional institutions, companies and agencies in institutional setup, budget and investment planning, ect.

ESS L.L.C. Has become a partner and home for several experts, coming from different fields, sectors, origin and continents. Experts who provide their services via us, to various partners and contractors.





Rr. Malush Kosova, p.n.

10 000, Prishtinë



+383 44 399 434