Issues with Police

Guiding Questions For Sources

  • Point to particular language that indicates the tone that the newspaper article takes in reporting the incident in 1855- and the bias it reveals.

  • Santiago Rough-Up source- What does the mayor’s Human relations advisory council’s recommendation in this incident reveal about how those in power dealt with Santiago’s complaints about police treatment? What do you think of their proposed “solutions” to finding mediation between the police and the Spanish-speaking community in the 1970s? Who should be responsible for solving such issues?

  • Compare the percentage of Lawrence’s Irish immigration population to the percentage of Irish immigrant arrests. What might account for this large percentage?

  • What do you think of the idea presented in the 1982 article to promote understanding between the Spanish-speaking immigrant population and the police? Whose voices are reported in the article and whose voices are absent?

  • What was Surprising, Interesting and Troubling (SIT) about the raw news coverage of the 1984 incident?

  • Relate these incidents to reactions to police treatment of Latinx and other marginalized groups in the news today, especially given the MA incarceration statistics cited in the 2018 Bay State Banner article.

Lawrence Courier April 24 1855 pg 2
Lawrence Public Library

Lawrence Courier April 24 1855 pg 2.jpg
Lawrence Courier April 24 1855 pg 2 Transcribed


Lawrence Eagle Tribune November 6 1970- “Santiago Rough Up: Mayor’s human relations council to dismiss issue” by Glenn Surrette
Lawrence History Center Newspaper Clippings

Lawrence Eagle Tribune November 6 1970.pdf

Cole Arrest Chart- pull page 5

Immigrant City Cole Stats - Dec 11 2020 - 2-47 PM.pdf

Lawrence Eagle Tribune July 8 1982- “Little done for police- Hispanic program” by Jim Barbagallo

Lawrence History Center Newspaper Clippings

Lawrence Eagle Tribune July 8 1982.pdf

Bay State Banner January 31 2018 by Karen Morales