Financial Markets Cergy

The Financial Markets track is oriented towards students wishing to pursue a career in trading, sales, brokerage, asset and portfolio management or positions related to financial engineering, structuring and risk management in financial institutions

The track is composed of 8 UV:

5 UV of compulsory courses in Cergy

- FINE31123 Principles of Finance (pre-requisite for this track) or FINE31124 Fondements de la finance (pre-requisite course for this track)

- FINM31164 Marchés financiers or FINM31165 Financial Markets

- FINM31260 Théorie du portefeuille et investissements or FINM31261 PortfolioTheory and Investment Analysis or FINM32225 Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis 

- FINM31281 Options

- FINM31273 Fixed Income

3 UV of electives chosen among the list of eligible courses.

1 compulsory seminar: FING31402 (Cergy) Séminaire éthique en finance

This seminar does not grant credits (UV). The registration of the course can be done on banner (without bidding points) and is reserved only for students registered in the finance track.

Please note that you can validate up to two courses by equivalent. Contact us for more information.

List of elective courses to be chosen for the validation of the Financial Markets option. 

OUT of Finance department :