Corporate Finance 

The Corporate Finance track is oriented towards students wishing to pursue a career in corporate investment banking, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), private equity, structured financing, financial analysis, equity research, corporate financial and treasury management, strategic auditing and consulting.

Some compulsory and elective courses can be attended in Singapore.

The track is composed of 8 UV:

5 UV of compulsory courses

- FINE31123 Principles of Finance ou FINE31124 Fondements de la finance is a pre-requisite course for this track

- CPTC31246 Analyse des états financiers or CPTC31247 Financial Statement Analysis

- FINE31126 Finance d’entreprise or FINE31128 Corporate Financial Management

- FINE31252 Fusions et acquisitions or FINE31253 Mergers and Acquisitions or FINE32218 Mergers and Acquisitions

- FINE32217 Firm Valuation and Value Creation or FINE31417 Firm Valuation and Value Creation or FINE31254 Evaluation stratégique et financière or FINE31341 Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity or FINE31416 Evaluation des entreprises et création de valeur or FINE31237 Corporate & Private Equity Financial Modelling or FINM31217 ESG Investing & Green Finance

3 UV of electives courses chosen among the list of eligible courses.

1 compulsory seminar : FING31402 (Cergy) Séminaire éthique en finance

This seminar does not grant credits (UV). The registration of the course can be done on banner (without bidding points) and is reserved only for students registered in the Finance track.

Please note that you can validate up to two courses by equivalent (with courses validated in a partner school). Contact us for more information.

List of elective courses to be chosen for the validation of the Corporate Finance option.  

OUT of Finance department :