

The Economics Track certifies students’ active participation to specialization in economics as delivered by the ESSEC Department of Economics. The training goal of the economics track is to develop students’ capacity for economic analysis at both microeconomic (consumer choice, firms’ objectives, strategic interaction) and macroeconomic (public policy, growth, international finance) levels.

Specifically, the track allows students:

-       To master tools necessary for economic analysis.

-       To signal this competence on the job market.

-       To receive advice and support from the Economics faculty.

-       Join the network of the Economics Track.

In addition to teaching and coaching, the track also organizes quarterly meetings with economics experts, some of them former students of the track, to discuss career opportunities and important economic topics.

Two sub-tracks are offered: Applied Economics and Research.

Students following the Applied Economics sub-track would have access to many fundamental economics courses such as labor economics, econometrics, international trade, money and banking, corporate governance, among others.These courses provide a solid training for a career as an economist either in the private sector (financial institutions, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms) or in the public sector (public administration, regulatory agencies, competition boards, market supervision Authorities, various ministries, central banks). This track can also be thought as a ‘first step’ for move advanced studies in economics. 

The Research sub-track is recommended for students aiming to specialize in economic research for employment in academia, or in the research departments of large companies, financial institutions, economic consulting firms, and international organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, OECD, ECB.


*Required course: 1

Total: 1 UV

*Number of optionnal courses:

Total: 5 UV

Number of UVs to be obtained in order to validate the track: 6 UV


*Number of course required: 12

Total: 12 UV

Number of UVs to be obtained in order to validate the track: 12 UV