12-13 October 2022

Management Control as Practice


ESSEC Business School, France

The aim of this workshop is to bring together like-minded scholars from different disciplines (management control, IS, human resources etc.) in order to advance the study of control with a particular emphasis on the roles of time and temporality.

This workshop seeks to enhance our understanding on topics such as (the list is not exhaustive):


-   New forms of controlling and control practices;

-   How temporal views may better inform our understanding of control as practice;

-   How do managers and management controllers experience time in their activities? 

-   What are the forms of control of time in organizations? How do the different temporal elements, such as rhythm, speed, acceleration, instantaneity, manifest in control practices?

- How do management control practices integrate the tensions between short term and long-term perspectives?

- How does the control of time manifest power in organizations?

- How do temporal dimensions in control practices connect with professional or organizational identity?

- What are the relations between temporality and materiality in control practices?

- How does technologies and digitization, in particular algorithms, big data and surveillance tools affect temporality in control practices?

- How to extend the theorization of temporality and time concepts in control as practice?

Please refer to the Call for papers for more details about participation in the workshop.

Keynote speakers

Barbara Simpson is Professor of Leadership and Organisational Dynamics at Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow. Her PhD in Management, from the University of Auckland, marked a sea change from her earlier career as a physics-trained geothermal scientist. Traces of this past do, however, remain evident in her work today, bringing the principles of action, flow, and movement to bear on organisational processes such as creativity, leadership and moral action. In a just-published volume co-edited with Line Revsbæk, the implications of a process ontology for the doing of research are examined in detail. 

François-Xavier de Vaujany is professor at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (DRM). His work deals with new ways of organizing and their relationships with societal transformations. He has recently published or will very publish soon "The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization" (with Aroles, J & Pérezts, M.) at Oxford University Press, "Organization as Time" (with Grandazzi, A. & Holt, R.) at Cambridge University Press and "Apocalypse managériale" at Les Belles Lettres. 

Philippe Lorino is distinguished professor at ESSEC Business School.and adviser to the French Nuclear Safety Authority about organizational factors of risk. He draws from pragmatist philosophy (Peirce, James, Dewey, Mead) and from Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism to study organizations as organizing processes oriented towards the exploration of complex and uncertain futures, rather than organizational structures. He has published articles in top-ranking journals (Accounting, Organizations and Society; Organization Studies; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Scandinavian Journal of Management…). His book “Pragmatism and Organization Studies” (Oxford University Press) has received the 2019 EGOS Book Award.