
A word from our students

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Valentin Leman

What is your background?

I am a chemical engineer.

Which ESSEC program are you part of?

I am part of the Advanced Master in Marketing Management & Digital.

Can you tell us more about your experience with the Chair?

When I entered ESSEC, I had a dream which was to combine my passion and my professional future: working in the field of perfumery, a complex world that interacts with all the senses. Coming from a chemical engineering school, I already had a scientific background concerning perfumes and how to make them. What I lacked was the knowledge of 'Why is a perfume created?' and 'What message does it want to convey?'. Thanks to the Chair, I learned these notions and fed my passion for perfume and cosmetics. In contact with professionals and fascinating professors, such as our dear Chair director, I was able to expand my knowledge of this world that I am passionate about, to understand the new challenges, and even to enter it thanks to an internship that I will carry out at one of our partners: IFF. This Chair has really been a chance to make my dreams come true and I hope that it will help others to find their way in the world of beauty.

What will you do after the academic part of the Chair?

I will have a 6-month internship as a Marketing Product Manager Assistant in fine fragrances at IFF.