
Discover the Chair Program and Courses

The Chair’s academic activities take place from early January to the end of June, over T2 and T3.

The courses are structured around:

The Chair content is fully in English.

A 6-month straight internship or apprenticeship in a beauty sector company, at any time during the ESSEC curriculum, is required.

Please take into account that the Building a Beauty Brand course is a prerequisite to Activating a Beauty Brand Course.

2 Specific Chair's Seminars (only for Chir's students)

2 Mandatory Courses dedicated to the world of beauty

2 elective courses among the list below for MiM and MS MMD students

or MKGC31113 Marketing Research 

or MKGS31413 Anthropology of Luxury Brands 

2 elective courses among the list below for BBA students