
A word from our students

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Clémence Heinic

What is your background?

I am an agri-food engineer.

Which ESSEC program are you part of?

I am part of the Advanced Master in Marketing Management & Digital.

Can you tell us more about your experience with the Chair?

With a background as an agri-food engineer, I wanted henceforth to follow my wishes to dive into and specialize in the beauty industry for which I have always been interested in. What better opportunity than joining the Leading a Beauty Brand Chair? What makes this formation so rich is the sharing of knowledge, skills, and precious feedbacks provided by professionals of the beauty sector, who were deeply passionate by their topic. When leaving this Chair, I know I will have all the keys to face challenges within the beauty world, to catch and interpret consumers’ insights, but also to develop and market new cosmetic products. But above academic knowledge, this Chair was an amazing chance to gather people all driven by their same passion for cosmetics.

What will you do after the academic part of the Chair?

I will have a 6-month internship as Product Development Manager for the French start-up