Summer Reading in Three Simple Steps 

#1 - Review the "Grade Level Expectations" in the drop down menu at the top of this page based on your grade this fall.  Each grade has one book all students are required to read.

#2 - Choose a 2nd book to read!

Recommendations can be found by clicking the "Book Suggestions" drop down menu at the top of this page and exploring your options. You can also head to your local library or bookstore and browse the stacks or check the Gill Library Catalog to see what’s available or head straight to Sora to check out our digital collections (instructions).

Reach out to the MS librarian, Claire Reddig, at  During the summer, Mrs. Reddig checks her email at least once a week, so don't worry if it takes a few days for her to reply.  She is happy to provide reading recommendations.

#3 - Look back at the Summer Reading Requirements to see how your teacher will incorporate your summer reading into class the first few weeks of school.

Need help with the instructions? Use the resources in the link at the top of this page titled "Analyzing Literature."

Want to Challenge Yourself as a Reader this Summer? 

Print out one of these optional Summer Reading Challenge cards and start reading! Invite a friend to join your challenge.