
It combines several modes which allow the integration of several transportation networks. It may enhance overall performance through consolidation and by using more environmentally friendly modes. Like air, water, and land transport modes are at different stages of their development (driverless vehicles, interconnection between vehicles, drones, hyperloop, etc.), the challenges of intermodal transportation and sustainable mobility change continuously as the opportunities to improve them.

Transportation contributes to economic efficiency and social progress but is also responsible for negative environmental impacts. Therefore, it is under pressure to reduce its environmental footprint and fossil fuel energy consumption. To face the challenge of sustainability and demand increase, intermodal transport has attracted wide interest in the scientific and political community. Intermodal transport pertains to both passenger and freight systems.

It is not unusual for companies to ship products across international borders, and while the internet can provide instant communication, physical transportation is still necessary to get products to their final destination. This is where intermodal transportation comes in.

For those unaware, intermodal transportation provides increased efficiency when transporting goods long distances because an intermodal container is well-suited for transport by either ground, air, or sea. This use of multiple modes of transportation for a single container is called intermodal transportation, and maximizing the potential of this transportation can improve company efficiency.