Google Slides

Google Slides.webm

This is a quick walk through of basic features of Google Slides. Once you are comfortable with these, I suggest you move to the videos below for some great applications of Slides.

This video will show you how to create a GIF using Slides and Tall Tweets. The video was edited with WeVideo if you like that as well.

How to Make a GIF.mp4
Linking Slides.webm

This video will show you how to use "links" within your Slides so it presents like an App. Here is a link to the example used in the video.

Here are some great Slides templates that you can have to create engaging activities for your classroom. 

Although Facebook continues to decline in popularity among students, they still love creating fake Facebook pages for historical figures, book characters, plants, animals, etc. My favorite face Facebook page generator is a simple Google Slides template. Students just replace the images and text for their assigned entity.

Copy the Template

Twitter Template

I found this great template from Jim Covais, Covais Tech. A simple, single page template with placeholders for header and profile images. Students can add a bio and are provided with space for three tweets.

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Excellent Google Slide Templates from Ryan O’Donnell

Ryan O’Donnell’s Google Slides Templates have raised the bar for creativity with Google Slides. The rest of the templates in this post come from Ryan’s site, Creative Ed Tech.

In addition to a blank template, this file has a second page consisting of an annotated example.

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I first thought this template was just for the magazine cover, but it’s much more than that. It includes eight more pages with placeholders for a variety of images. It also takes advantage of the Google Slides ability to embed video.

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This template is set up perfectly for four short articles. Similar to the Time Magazine Template, this template includes image and video placeholders.

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This template is so awesome that I highly recommend checking out O’Donnell’s separate post on his process of creating comic books. In addition to several traditional template pages, this file provides several pages of ideas, examples, and resources to promote creativity.

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Harry Potter fans will love this multi-page newspaper template. It includes links to fonts/clipart to help students build upon the wizardly theme.

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