Non-internet based educational activities

ELA Activities

Read a book

Draw pictures to retell story, act out story, create a song from the story


Play a game using board games


Vocabulary play with word letters/magnet letters/alphabet flashcards


Count any number of items: beans, buttons, toy cars, dolls, rocks

Boardgames- Monopoly

Sorry, Connect Four, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Go Fish

Counting Money

Play store, restaurant, pay with pretend bills/real money

Measurement Activities

Use rulers to measure items around the house, people, desks, recipes

Working with Fractions

working with fractions with magnets, dominoes, food

Math Facts with Flashcards

You can make math fact flash cards out of many different types of paper. Index cards. paper plates, post it notes

Making Music

Take songs and makeup your own lyrics


Duck tape pouches

Using supplies that you have in your house to create an art project