Parent Engagement
Parent Engagement in Schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents.
Parent Resources
Library of courses for parents or others, developed by leading mental health experts, offer hope, answers, and compassionate help.
Essentials for Parenting Teens
CDC’s newest resource for parents and caregivers of youth ranging between ages 11 and 17. Topics include understanding and adapting to teen years, coaching, recognizing, and managing emotions, encouraging independence, and praising teens.
Brave Parenting was made for parents, but has lots of great information! Stay up to date with the latest apps, technology news, trends, and how to build character in your children using the tech they love.
Child Mind Institute’s Family Resource Center
Parent & Family Engagement Building Capacity for Involvement Toolkit & School-Parent Compact Toolkit
Action for Healthy Kids offers the Confident Connections Campaign with more than 30 free resources for parents and caregivers of children in grades K-12 to learn about and support youth mental health. Confident Connections guides parents and caregivers to engage in meaningful conversations, activities to connect in authentic ways, and information to deepen their understanding of youth mental health.
A Parent’s Guide to Getting Good Care - Child Mind Institute
Tips for parents on how to talk to students who are under stress - Pacer Center
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation hosts an on-demand online course on quick and simple ways to make family time more meaningful. Tips include connecting families together when spending time in person or virtually when apart. Share this resource with families and community members.
Back Pocket for Parents - Tools to Help Parents Nurture Their Teens' Mental Health by Shaney Andler, who shares the challenge as a parent of someone who struggles and shares some of the wisdom learned along the way as an educator both in schools and clinical settings. Download the book to share with parents.
Navigating the School System: a resource to assist parents understand the ins and outs of the public school system.
Parent resources in spanish
CASEL SEL discussion guide for parents/caregivers in Spanish
Note – this looks a bit like a group facilitation guide, but having reviewed the English version, there’s a lot parents can take away from this!
Confident Parents, Confident Kids
This is the Spanish resources page
English/Spanish side-by-side; links to subject-specific resources in Spanish on the last page look excellent!
Center for Parent Information & Resources
Links to tools in English, also presented in Spanish
SEL at Home from Elk Grove Unified
Note the Spanish SEL resources, here
Local Resources
Children's Advocacy Center Greater West Texas
Parents as Teachers is a home visitation program that addresses child development and encourages positive parent-child relationships for children from prenatal to five years of age. The program screens for developmental delays and health Issues. Additional services include referrals to community resources, and free fun monthly Play and Learn family event, often open to the public not just program participants.
Parent Mentor Program Is a referral program for families involved with the Juvenile Justice System (JJC), or at risk of being referred or involved with the JJC to provide parenting tips or guidance. This program provides parent education, resource coordination, and case management to help parents meet the needs of children and prevent child maltreatment. Case managers meet with families weekly and create a tailored plan to identify and build upon strengths.