At-Home Related Services Supports

Credit to New York Department of Education

Occupational Therapy Supports

Fine Motor, Visual Motor, and Perceptual Skills

Cutting Tips

  • Bold the outline with a highlighter or marker.

  • Hold scissors and paper with “thumbs on top.” You can place a sticker on your child’s thumb nail as a reminder.

  • Begin first with cutting straight lines, then basic shapes, then complex shapes.

  • Use hand-over-hand assistance as needed.

Gluing Tips

  • When gluing, put the glue on the object being glued and NOT the paper.

  • Make a mark or draw a line as a visual of where the glue should go.

  • Try glue sticks for children with decreased strength.

Pencil Grasp Tips

  • Use broken crayons and short pencils to encourage an efficient grasp

  • Have your child hold a small coin or cotton ball with their pinky and ring fingers leaving only their ring finger, middle finger and thumb available to hold the pencil.

Hand Strengthening Activities

  • Hand weight bearing activities, such as wheelbarrow walks, crab walks, push-ups, and crawling.

  • Lego and Playdoh play: roll into balls, make a snake, press with stamps, hide and find pegs or beads, etc.

  • Pinch clothespins, paint with eyedroppers, & pick up items with tweezers.

  • Crafts, such as beading, lacing, ripping paper to make a collage, and hole punch activities.

  • Use a spray bottle to play in the bath, help with cleaning, etc.

  • For in-hand manipulation, place coins in a piggy bank or make your own with a coffee can with a slot in the top.

Visual Skills Activities

  • When reading use an index card or ruler to help isolate one line or word at a time.

  • Activities such as mazes, cryptograms, Dotto-Dot, word finds, puzzles, ball or balloon toss, etc.

  • To view more visual perceptual activities, visit the free website: Eye Can Learn

Writing Skills

Proper Posture When Writing on a Table Top

  • Feet flat on the floor (A footstool or thick book can be placed under the feet to assist if feet do not reach the floor.) Sit upright in chair.

  • Wrist supported on table. Paper stabilized by nonwriting hand.

Letter Formation

  • When printing, prompt your child to use a top down formation: “Start at the top!”

  • Try this routine: You write the letter…Your child writes the letter…You write the letter…Your child writes the letter.


  • Have child use their finger or a Popsicle stick after each word to create an appropriate space before beginning the next word.

  • Use graph paper to give a visual cue for spacing out words and letters.

  • There are many types of writing paper. Be sure to check with your child’s therapist on the best type of paper or strategy for your child.

Letter and word placement

  • Draw a green line along the left margin of the paper and a red line on the right to signal where to “start” and “stop.”

  • If your child has difficulty writing on the line, darken the baseline with a marker.

  • Use a highlighter to indicate where to write between lines.


Practice Writing Skills

  • Schedule a 10 minute interval daily to practice writing.

  • Encourage your child to write about a preferred topic of choice.

  • Help your child make greeting cards for family and friends.

  • Write a grocery list together.

  • Make lists: favorite TV programs, movies, things to pack before a trip.

Self-Regulation and Sensory Processing

Self-regulation is the ability to control one’s thoughts, emotional responses, actions and level of alertness/attention. It can be influenced by several different factors including sensory processing. Sensory processing is how we process information from the world around us as well as what is going on inside of us to produce an appropriate behavioral response.

Calming Activities

  • Play games that reinforce structure and require waiting/ turn-taking: red light green light, freeze dance, Simon says.

  • Yoga, meditation and belly breathing will help child develop better control of their physical body, thoughts, and emotional states. You can start by sitting still with eyes closed with a slow count of 5.

  • Routines, structure and clear expectations will help your child with selfcontrol. Review any changes to normal routine early.

  • Provide a quiet personal space for your child to calm. Relaxing music, a bean bag chair or soft pillows to burrow in may be helpful.

  • Encourage a variety of play/work positions such as standing, lying on the floor, kneeling.

  • Offer your child a chewy snack to provide organizing sensory input (i.e. Twizzlers, dried fruits, bagels, etc.).

  • “Heavy work” activities (carrying heavy items, push/pull activities, etc.)

Energizing Activities

  • Have your child jump on a mini-trampoline, perform jumping jacks or play hopscotch.

  • Push-ups on the floor or push-ups against the wall.

  • Organized sports activities- running, yoga, karate, gymnastics, bike riding.

  • Climbing on or hanging from playground equipment.

  • Eating crunchy foods (i.e. popcorn, pretzels, carrots, apples, etc.).

  • Play and dance to loud, fast-paced music.

  • Use toys that make noise or light up.

Tips for Children with Tactile Sensitivities

  • Gradually expose your child to different textures going from the least to most messy. (i.e. Play-doh is less messy than shaving cream or finger paints.)

  • Provide firm pressure rather than light touch when holding hands or giving hugs.

  • Make sure that blankets, pajamas and clothes are comfortable for the child as this may disrupt their sleep and other daily activities. (i.e. Cut out clothing tags if causing discomfort, wear socks inside out if irritating, etc.)

  • Use unscented laundry detergent.

Attention and Focus

Also refer to the Self-Regulation and Sensory Processing section; strategies may also result in improved attention and ability to focus.

  • Choose a location in the home with minimal distractions when completing structured activities such as homework or studying.

  • Break down instructions into simple 1-2 step directions.

  • Have child repeat directions to reinforce understanding.

  • Use a visual timer to gradually increase attention to a non-preferred activity.

  • Allow your child to take short, intermittent movement breaks.

  • Use a reward chart with stickers or checkmarks to reinforce positive behaviors.

Toilet Training

  • Look for signs for readiness, like discomfort when wet or soiled or staying dry for several hours at a time.

  • Have your child wear easy to manage clothing (i.e. sweatpants).

  • Establish a schedule according to wetness pattern.

  • Toileting symbol may be helpful for requests.

  • Use charts for positive reinforcement and celebrate each success.

Shoe Tying

  • Children typically require demonstration, explanation, and lots of practice to master tying their shoes.

  • Remember there are two common methods for tying laces; the bunny ear approach using two loops, or the wrap-around technique, making one single loop then wrapping the other string around and tucking through. Try both and see what works best for your child.

  • Be sure laces are long enough so that your child can make large loops if needed.

  • Practicing knots on a jump rope or pipe cleaner can also make it easier and more fun.


  • Practice dressing skills through pretend play with dress-up clothes or dolls.

  • Help your child up until the very last step to allow him/her to successfully complete the dressing task. Do less and less as your child can do more and more. For example:

    • Assist with fastening the zipper but allow the child to pull it up.

    • Help your child put each leg into his/her pants but have your child pull his/her pants up independently.

    • Insert a button halfway into the hole, but let your child pull it fully through.

  • Teach your child to locate the tag first to identify the front when putting on shirts or jackets.

Hand Washing

  1. Use Soap

  2. Scrub palm to palm

  3. Scrub back of hands

  4. Wash between fingers

  5. Wash thumbs

  6. Scrub fingernails

  7. Wash wrists

  8. Rinse hands

  9. Dry Hands

Physical Therapy Supports

For Students in PT

Please assure safety while performing any and all tasks with your child.

Games You Can Play

  • Simon says

  • Bean bag or balloon toss

  • Hot potato

  • Egg in spoon

  • Hop scotch

Outdoor Activities

  • Visit the playground – slides, swings, ladders, ramps

  • Jump rope

  • Ride a tricycle or bicycle

  • Jumping or jumping jacks

  • Playing ball – bounce/catch

  • Bubble play

Indoor Fun

On Line Resources

For Preschool Students

Get Moving

  • Take the stairs, not the elevator

  • Walk around the block- play I spy while walking

  • Run relays with siblings and/or caregivers

  • Step on/off a step stool

  • Place pillows on floor and have child walk on them

Doing Other Activities

  • Do puzzles or play with building blocks while squatting

  • Read a book while lying on belly

  • Do chores like setting/clearing the table,

Play Games

  • Head, shoulders, knees, and toes

  • Act out animal walks

Outdoor Activities

  • Visit the playground

  • Play ball- catch, throw, kick

  • Push heavy items in a stroller/wagon

For Students in Wheelchairs

Please assure safety while performing any and all tasks with your child.

Games You Can Play

  • Simon says

  • Scavenger hunt

  • Bean bag or balloon toss

  • Hot potato

  • Egg in spoon

Outdoor Activities

  • Playground visits (some playgrounds have wheelchair swings and ramps)

  • Play ball – bounce/catch

  • Bubble play

  • Wet sponge toss

Indoor Fun

Speech Therapy Supports

Ideas and Activities

  • Think of ways to help elicit language throughout the day. To do so, create a situation in which your child will need to use language in a highly desired activity. Some words to think of are “more,” “open,” “help.” The resources your child typically uses to communicate whether that be words, visuals, signs or a communication system should be used to engage in shared conversation.

  • Sing songs and dance, sing familiar songs and sing them often. Stop at expectant parts and look at your child expectantly; provide wait time and model the words that you want your child to fill in.

  • Offer choices: Although you may know exactly what your child wants consider creating opportunities for them to make a choice. As you show both items ask, “Do you want the apple or the banana?” Be sure your child has looked at both items and allow them time to select. Again, use this opportunity to elicit language through all different means.

  • Create a predictable environment by using agreed upon daily schedules and routines (see below)

  • Help your child rehearse or prepare a presentation to their peers/family on a topic of interest.

  • Help your child rehearse or prepare a presentation to their peers/family on a topic they are learning about in one of their classes.

  • Play games with your child to help build connections between topics or games of strategy. For example, you can play Apples to Apples, Scattegories, Charades or Battle Ship.

  • Help your child create games such as Jeopardy based on topics they are learning in school or topic of interest.

  • Be specific in your expectations of their participation and set agreed upon rules. If they are becoming visibly upset discuss what is frustrating them and explain the perspectives of all players.

  • Help your child make connections between what they are learning in different subjects. Do the topics have connections?

Key Ideas

  • Wait-time Provide your child with ample opportunities for communication. For example:

    1. Give them the opportunity to choose the activity, book or game and explain why they made their choice

    2. Have them request desired items verbally rather than anticipating their needs

  • Praise Provide specific praise to your child regarding their performance, say: "Great job using first and next in your story” vs. “Good job."

  • Self-talk As you and your child are doing the craft or working on a project, talk about what you are seeing, hearing or doing. For example, “I am gluing the red paper under the yellow paper.”

  • Descriptive Talk

    1. Discuss and describe the items you are using in the craft or other activity do are doing with your child

    2. Describe the objects/items you see or are manipulating. For example, “The glue is sticky” or “The paint is wet”, or “My sticky fingers are getting stuck on the paper.”

  • Model Speech If your child speaks in 2-3-word sentences you can reinforce what they say and then model an expanded sentence using more words. This can be done in story reading activities, while making lunch, playing games, cleaning etc.

  • Expand Speech This strategy will help your child speak in more complete sentences. Expansions are when you take their sentences and repeat them without missing words/grammar or appropriate vocabulary. For example, if they say, “I paint boy” you can say, “Yes, you painted the boy.”

  • Extend Sentences This strategy can help extend their sentences and introduce them to new vocabulary and concepts. Extensions are similar to expansions, but one more step up. You are not only repeating and expanding their language but also adding new information. For example, if they say, “paint fell” you could say “Yes, the yellow paint fell on the floor.”

CORE Words

Some students may use core word boards or visuals. These are words such as “open, help, want, more, hi.” Use these strategies to help facilitate language in your daily activities within the home:

  • Help

    • Use the single word “Help” when your child needs assistance

    • 2-3 words: “Help me” or “Help me, please”

    • Sentences: “I want help” – “I need help” – “Can you help me, please?”

  • Open

    • Use the single word “Open” to open toys or packages

    • 2-3 words – “Open bubbles” or “open bubbles, please”

    • Sentence – “I want to open the bubbles” – “Can you open the bubbles?”

  • More

    • Use the single word “More” when your child wants more of a food, activity, toy etc.

    • 2-3 words – “Want more” – “I want more”

    • Sentence: “I want more” – “I want more blocks”

  • Want

    • Use the single word “Want” when your child wants something or wants you to do something with them

    • 2-3 words – “Want car” or “Want car, please"


NCHPAD: Building Healthy Inclusive Communities through the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability is a public health practice and resource center on health promotion doe people with disabilities.

Please assure safety while performing any and all tasks with your child. Some activities may require to be adapted for child.

SeekFreaks: Resources for OT and PTs