
Job-shadowing in Slovenia

Three teachers of the economic group of subjects: Gordana Selaković, Nada Maljković and Gordana Lazarević Zdelar, within the Erasmus+ accredited project no. 2023-1-RS01-KA121-VET-000130054, stayed in Ljubljana, Slovenia for the job-shadowing activities in the period from 18.03 - 22.03.2024. years.On that occasion, they visited and observed classes at the school "„Ekonomska gimnazija in Srednja Šola Radovljica". They had the opportunity to compare the educational system, educational profiles and curricula in Slovenia and Serbia, especially in vocational education. They visited the school, got acquainted with the way and organization of work at the school. They attended classes of vocational subjects, saw how teachers organize their classes, what teaching methods they use, how they work with students with special needs.This experience contributed to improve their professional competences for teaching, adopt new teaching methods and get ideas on how to improve their teaching, as well as the work of the school itself. They met and exchanged experiences with colleagues from the host school through conversations.Upon their return, they shared their experiences with their colleagues at school. They hope that this first visit will contribute to future cooperation between the two schools.