Dress COde

 Our Dress for Success

Note: This is not a Uniform Policy; therefore, NO Waivers will be granted


Dress for Success & Respect! The dress code was created in cooperation with teachers, students and parents to establish school rules governing student dress and grooming which are consistent with state law, Governing Board policy and administrative regulations. The school dress codes shall be regularly reviewed. (cf. 0420 – School Plans/Site Councils) The guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities: All clothing should be neat, clean and conducive to learning for everyone. 

Students who have not met the dress code requirements will be required to change into their PE clothing or loaner PE clothing. Clothing can be picked up after school only. After multiple infractions of the dress code, administration may contact parents for a conference, and/or assign discipline including detention, community service, or ban from school activities of the dress code policy. 

The following standards for all pupils are to be observed:




1st violation: Students will be required to change into PE clothes. Inappropriate articles of clothing may be confiscated and parents/ guardians will be required to pick the article(s) of clothing up from the office.  Students will receive a referral. 

2nd violation:  Students will be required to change into PE clothes and may be assigned detention. Inappropriate articles of clothing may be confiscated and parents/ guardians will be required to pick the article(s) of clothing up from the office.  Students will receive a referral. 

3rd and subsequent violations: Will result in referral, detention and a school activity ban.

*Any student that does not return a loaner item will receive a $10 fine. All confiscated items that are not picked up at the end of the semester will be donated.