East Rockaway School District Counseling Center

Our Mission Statement

The East Rockaway school counselors are committed to working with all students to assist them in reaching their individual academic and personal potential. Our counseling program encompasses academic planning, social development, skill development and transitional activities. We have created a developmental counseling program for students in grade 7 - 12 where our school counselors work with our students, their families, teachers, and building administration to maximize the middle and high school experience.

News and Information 

Congratulations Class of 2024!

Take a look at where our seniors are headed after graduation.


Graduation Surveys & Final Transcripts

Seniors, in order for us to send your final transcript to the college you are attending you must indicate that in Naviance under, "Colleges I'm Applying To," go down past your college list and select your school as your "attending school."

You may already be getting emails from colleges saying you must send your final transcript. It is important to understand high schools in New York end later than high schools in many other parts of the country. The school counseling department plans to have all final transcripts sent out by July 10th or sooner. Please get in touch with Mr. Madden with any questions. 

Please remember to complete your graduation survey in Naviance posted to surveys in your account.


Attention Parents and Students

The School Counseling & English Departments will be running a FREE College Boot Camp this summer. The dates will be August 19,20,21. 

This is a great opportunity to finalize college applications, college essays, and college lists with the help of experts. The Boot Camp will only run if there is sufficient interest.

Please click here to complete the RSVP form by June 30th.

Email Mr. Madden with any questions: jmadden@eastrockawayschools.org


FAFSA Workshop

SUNY is hosting virtual FAFSA Completion Workshops on Tuesday evenings that students and families can participate in.

For more specific questions you can also contact one of our experts at AskSUNY@suny.edu.


Northwell School Avoidance Prep Sessions for Parents and Students 

Northwell's School Avoidance Student Boot Camp Sessions (5) will be held daily on 8/19, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22, 8/23 at 11am for 60 mins via ZOOM.

Northwell's School Avoidance Parent Prep Workshop Sessions (4) will be held on Wednesdays on 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14 at 12pm for 60 mins via ZOOM.

Scan the QR code for more information on how to register.


Little Learners

The East Rockaway Public Library needs 6th*, 7th and 8th graders

to help preschool children practice skills like writing their letters, coloring, cutting,

pasting, rhyming and other fun learning games to help get them ready for Kindergarten.

As always, you’ll read books with the kids, too!

To become a LITTLE LEARNERS VOLUNTEER you must attend a training session which

will be held at the library on Monday, June 10th at 3:30

(The training session is approximately one hour).

LITTLE LEARNERS will meet once a week during the summer

on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM: August 7, 14, and 21.

If you are interested, please sign up in the Children’s Room or call (516) 599-1664.

Any questions? Please ask!

It’s a great, fun way to fulfill community service hours!

*Completed 6th grade in June 2024

This is not an East Rockaway Schools Sponsored Event.

