Student Emails

For existing students:

Your email address remains unchanged. Should you forget your password - please contact for it to be reset.

For new students:

You have been given a personalized student email address with the following format:

First name: Mickey

Last name: Mouse

Email address:

User name: mickey.mouse

  1. Log on with your full email address.

  2. For the password, type in the First Connection password (CAPITALS ARE ESSENTIAL) : PROV2122

  3. You will be invited to personalize your password to one you can remember. Please record the password in a safe place.

  4. This password can be modified at any moment through the Google account management page, Security tab.

The user name (mickey.mouse for example) with your same email password will also be your sign in to the local wifi network at school (and boarding), so it is important to set it up as soon as possible. It can be done from your home computer.

You will need this login to access the internet with your own devices (laptop or mobile device) through our wifi portal :

- Wifi network : BARES

- Wifi key : ermitageinternationalschool

Should you have any trouble when accessing your account, please contact