Step 4 // Identifying who is taking part in our trial

We chose to include fourth and fifth class into our study. We decided on these two classes because we agreed they were mature enough to take the test without causing any difficulties during our research. Both classes were split up randomly and assigned to a different group. The groups were picked randomly and we made sure they knew they didn't have to take part in our study if they didn't want to. Two children from our class gave them all a consent form to make sure that they wanted to take part and that they knew exactly what we were going to be doing, including the fact that they could withdraw from our research at any time if they wished to and also they knew that they did not have to take part if the did not want to and that we were not going to disclose any of their private information, for example, name and age. We stated that any cheating would not be tolerated in the experiment and the test sheet would be taken off of them and the score would not be counted. The consent form and research was explained clearly to the participants, and they also had an opportunity to ask questions. A lot of children signed up to our research, which was fantastic as this meant we would have a more comprehensive study and therefore bring this project to its full potential.

This is our consent form.