English as an Additional Language

English as an Additional Language

EAL teaching aims to teach English using the mainstream curriculum as the context. This involves developing specific teaching strategies and resources which aim to make the language of the curriculum accessible through, for example, increased use of visuals, scaffolding and modelling, while keeping the cognitive challenge and interest level high.

Please find below advice about effective teaching of EAL learners.

P5-7 Comprehension Vocabulary HOTs and Reciprocal Reading.pdf

Reciprocal Reading Strategies

Literacy Booklet Book 1.ppt

Literacy Booklet



Subject Vocabulary Booklets

Art and Design Terminology - S1-S2.doc

Art & Design

S1 Drama Vocabulary List.doc


S1 Music Vocabulary List.doc


_New S1 vocab booklet 2019-20 NEW NEW.pdf

Modern Languages