Term 2

What a busy term it has been. With the days now getting longer and brighter, we can't believe that it is almost the end of term 2!

The Rainforest

The children enjoyed learning about the Rainforest where they created artistic pictures of the animals that live there and exploring the different layers. The children then used their previous knowledge of figurative language to create poems about the animals.


We have been very busy learning about natural disasters. The class discovered how earthquakes happen and what to do ff an earthquake hit! The class were then challenged to design a structure with a strong base that would withstand an earthquake.

Bug Hotel

We were very kindly asked by Taylor Wimpy to design our own bug hotels. With sustainability in mind we conducted our own investigations to find out what insects lived around us so we would know what insects we were designing our hotels for.

The class had great fun using what they have been learning about bug habitats and sustainability to create their own bug hotels.