Term 2 and 3 Class Blog

Camp Nou



Madison Square Garden

Stade Olympique

Soccer City


Miss Connelly

My name is Miss Connelly and I have loved my first few weeks in P4/5. I am loving teaching in this fantastic school! 

A massive thank you to all of the adults that managed to drop by and visit us at the 'Learn with us' afternoon, it was so lovely to meet you all. The children worked very hard and used their numeracy skills, communication skills and design skills to re-create a sports stadium. 

The children were very proud of their work and I have added photographs of the finished designs. Thank you to the grown-ups for your help with the building!

I hope to see you soon,

Miss C

March- Numeracy

This month, we have been exploring data handling through our context of 'sports'. In small groups, we gathered data about our heart rates when doing exercise then presented this data in a table. After that, we used our knowledge of the features of a bar graph to display our data in a clear way.  Primary 5 also challenged themselves with features of line graphs and the trends that the data shows. 

March- Literacy

We have been exploring features of persuasive writing this month. We came into a surprise- Miss Connelly had put all of our classroom toys and games in the corner of the room and we had to use our persuasive language to convince her to return them!

We discussed possible arguments together as a class before writing them in a letter to Miss Connelly, using paragraphs, openers and persuasive language.

We were very persuasive and we got all of the classroom games back! 

Antoni Gaudi- Mosaic

"We were learning how to use organic shapes and arrange them into hot and cold colours"- Tanvi

March- Art

Each week, we learn about the history of an artist and their particular style of art. We have loved looking at a variety of different concepts such as collage, mosaic and line as well as a variety of movements such as Impressionism, Pop Art and Surrealism.

Vincent Van Gough

"We were making art using lots of little lines instead of just colouring in."- Robbie

Henry Matise- Collage

"Henry Matisse 'paints with scissors' and we were trying to use simple shapes and we used very vibrant colours."- Carrson.

May- Literacy

In literacy, we have been learning about different styles of poetry. We have been reading Haiku poetry and writing our own, making sure that it follows the correct pattern of 5,7,5 syllables.

We presented our poetry to the class. 

May- Wonders of the World

We have enjoyed learning about the different wonders of the ancient and modern world. We have been using our research  skills to find out about different aspects of these wonders and have presented them to the class.  Everyone has worked so hard and Miss Connelly is so proud of the confidence that we demonstrated!

The presentations have been displayed in a variety of ways including posters, drawings and Sways. We then gained feedback from our peers and completed a self-evaluation of our talking and listening skills. Well done, everyone! We learned lots of new exciting facts!