
Health and Wellbeing with Mrs Thomson

Staying Safe

This block, we focused on keeping ourselves and others safe. We also explored how to respond in a range of emergency situations, and how to react when they find themselves feeling unsafe. We started by exploring a places to play, before identifying their dangers and suggesting ways to make different places more safe.

As a class, we then discussed the concept of an emergency. To help us make connections to the real world, we used role play to act out emergencies and how we would get help if it was needed. In preparation, we learned about the roles and responsibilities of different emergency services. We also explored how to call 999, focusing on what to say in order to get the correct help as quickly as possible. The children shared their learning by acting our their responses, successfully and succinctly sharing key information with their 'call-handler' in order to gain immediate help.

Importantly, the children also explored how to safely use medicines (with an adult they trust) when they are feeling unwell. They engaged in very mature discussions with their peers before creating posters that shared their 'golden rules' for the correct and safe use of medicines.

Significant Scots with Miss Maybury

Through our new history and literacy bundle, we have been learning about a variety of different Significant Scottish individuals in the past, what made them so influential all over the world, and how their impact has affected us today.   

Working together we researched and identified some key facts about David Livingstone and Mary Slessor.

After reading the story about David Livingstone and the lion, we wrote our own letters home to our families, as if they had never seen a lion before! 

We were then able to use the facts that we found to create informative leaflets and articles. 

After peer-assessing each others work, we had the opportunity to  share our amazing articles about Mary Slessor  with the rest of the class!

Using our data handling skills, we used Venn Diagrams to compare the similarities and differences between Mary Slessor and David Livingstone.

To begin learning about out next Significant Scot, we looked at a picture of John Logie Baird and created some questions and "I wonder" statements about why he might be significant, and what he might have created.