RMPS Information
RMPS-Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
Welcome to EHS Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS)!
Why study RMPS?
RMPS aims to help pupils develop a range of skills and values essential to life in the modern world. The subject is offered to all S1-S4 pupils two periods a week, with the opportunity to progress with the subject at National 5 or Higher level. Pupils will explore some of the beliefs, practices and traditions of the world’s major religions, such as Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Learning about moral issues also enhances a young person’s understanding of potential real-life situations they could experience, and develop a sense of right from wrong, exploring topics such as Medical Ethics, Human Rights and Crime and Punishment. Pupils will also be able to develop their skills of analysis, evaluation and critical thinking through exploring philosophical issues such as the origins of the universe and origins of life.
What you will study.
Broad General Education (S1/2/3)
S1 – Human Rights, Hinduism, Climate Change, Philosophy
S2 – Animal Rights, Sikhism, Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, A-Z of RMPS
S3 – Origins of the Universe and Life, Ethics, Morality and Relationships: gender roles, marriage, divorce, same-sex relationships
Senior Phase (S4-6)
S4 – Morality and Relationships: media, exploitation, equality; World Religion: Judaism
S3 and S4 RMPS are our National 5 courses, delivered to all pupils, it is our hope that as many young people as possible sit the National 5 RMPS qualification and consider progressing to the Higher RMPS course.
Higher – World Religion: Buddhism, Morality and Justice, Origins of the Universe and Life