Geography Information


Why study Geography?

Geography is not about maps, capital cities and countries. In Geography pupils learn about the Earth, rivers, oceans, mountains and about people and their relationships with their surroundings and their environment. Geography helps us understand our world and makes it a more interesting place in which to live. It helps us make sense of news events and what is going on around us. It also helps us understand ways of life that are different from our own and makes travel and meeting people more exciting.

Geography is your passport to the world!

At BGE level, you will study:


Weather and climate

Scotland: Our World-mapping skills

John Muir Award


Empty Lands/ Crowded Places

Earth Forces


Urban Environments


In the Senior Phase, you will study:


Rural Geography


Coastal Geography

World Health/ Development


The Physical Environment: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and the Biosphere.

The Human Environment: aspects of Population, Rural and Urban geography with different case studies from around the world.

The Global Issues - Development and Health and Global Climate Change.

Geographical Skills – assesses skills in context drawn from across the course: Mapping, Research, Numerical and Graphical Data.

Assignment-Fieldwork Project write up on a topic you have researched, studied and prepared.

Advanced Higher:                                                                                                        

Unit 1 Geographical Methods and Techniques –the emphasis in this unit is on fieldwork, statistical analysis, processing and gatheirng information and complex mapping skills.

Unit 2 The Geographical Study – this unit develops the skills from unit 1 into a dissertation/ fieldwork project.

Unit 3 Geographical Issues – this unit stands alone since it is based around the topics covered in the Higher course and students analyse viewpoints on a current geographical issue of their choice.

Some online geography fun activites-testing your world map skills and knowledge (click below)