
S1 & S2

Design & Technology


S1 have been developing their woodworking skills

Birdfeeder example

Some happy faces and finished products


S2 have been working on their woodwork skills- creating phone amplifiers

S3 D&T

Graphic Communication, Design and Manufacture and Practical Woodwork

S3 Graphics

S3 GC have been using our new Desktop Publishing Software and CAD this term- here are examples where they had to design an app with a Halloween theme

S3 D&M

S3 Design and Manufacture were tasked with designing their own beach house money boxes.




S3 Practical Woodwork

S3 Practical Woodwork have been making trinket boxes this term to develop their skills in the workshop

We also looked at STEAM stereotypes in the workplace

S4 D&M

Modelling pencil holders

Modelling pencil holders

Using the centre lathe to turn metal

Completed trinket boxes went home

Terumo Aortic came in to speak to the class about careers in Biomedical Engineering

National Practical Woodwork

& Practical Metalwork

Pupils have made a start on their SQA assignments and making great progress

BIMA Digital Day November 10 2021

S3 students involved in this national competition using their own ideas to create an app to highlight the current climate crisis and promote ways to reduce the amount of plastic in the oceans.

Winning group have been entered into the national competition – high hopes for success!!

Computing Science

As part of our Rights Respecting focus, S3 used their knowledge of the UNCRC to design and code website celebrating their rights

Bebras Competition

Pupils in S1, S3 Computing and NPA Web Design took part in the Bebras Competition. This involved solving as many computational thinking problems as possible in 40 minutes.

Pupils achieved certificates - Best in School, Distinction (top 25%), Merit (top 50%)

One S3 pupil achieved a Gold Award which as she was in the top 10% nationally and has been invited to take part in the Oxford University Computing Competition in February