
"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is,

rather than as you think it should be."

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Everyday Mindfulness

By:  AboutKidsHealth 

(4:45 min)

5 Minute Mindfulness

By:  Danny Hauger

Stop for Mindfulness

By:  AboutKidsHealth 

(3:26 min)

Be still, breathe, and pay attention to your thoughts...

Meditation 101:

Learn How to Meditate

(2:00 min)

Relax in 5

(3:01 min)

5 Minute Meditation

What is Anxiety?

(5:12 min)

ALL Feelings Are Normal

(6:10 min)

You Are Not Your Thoughts

(4:00 min)

Manage Anxiety

(4:28 min)

Be Kind to Yourself 

(4:40 min)

Relieve Anxiety

(3:58 min)


(4:30 min)

Have Compassion

(4:40 min)

Square Breathing

(3:17 min)

Breathe Bubble

(1:00 min)

Letting Go of Stress

(10:00  min)

Letting Go of Frustration

(10:00 min)

Self-Love Meditation

(10:00 min)

Jay Shetty:  Overcoming Fear & Anxiety

(14:59 min)

Your Emotions

(6:47 min)

Learn How to Manage 

Your Stress

(7:15 min)

Calm During Panic Attack

(4:13 min)

Comfort & Care

(14:00 min)

Alleviating Worry

(12:36 min)

Letting Go

(10:00 min)

Being Present 

(10:00 min)