CAR Liberia

Our strategic goal is to advocate in favor of equitable distribution of quality health and dismantling structural racism that stands as a barrier to wellbeing.

Chapter name CAR Liberia Chapter

Chapter location Monrovia, Liberia

Language English

Organizing statement The Liberia CAR chapter endeavors to advocate in favor of health equity and dismantle every systems of discrimination that exhibit unjust practices during service delivery.

Chapter Leadership and Contacts
James F Fomba - Chapter Representative

Rachel Saykpah - Assistant Chapter Representative

Dr. Nathan Uchtmann - Coach

Please contact James F Fomba to be added to our Whatsapp group

Strategic Goal The Liberia chapter aims to advocate in favor of equitable distribution of quality health and the dismantling structural racism that stands as a barrier.

Current Projects The chapter is currently focused on campus-based awareness against students' bribery and on a cross border approach to campaign against HIV and COVID-19 stigma.

Chapter History The Liberia CAR chapter was established in 2020 with a focus on teambuilding and solidarity.