Evangeline parish early childhood network
LEAD AGENCY: As directed by Act 3, Evangeline Parish has worked together to create a unified system of high quality, publicly-funded options to families to ensure more children enter school kindergarten ready. This network is comprised of a local early childhood community network that includes every publicly-funded Pre-K, Child Care, and Head Start program within the parish.
The state coordinates these community networks by designating a Lead Agency for each community to coordinate essential activities, specifically observations and enrollment. The Lead Agency also serves as fiscal agent.
conduct administrative functions for the community network
coordinate CLASS™ observations assuring that accurate observations are conducted for all Infant, Toddler and PreK classrooms and that feedback is provided to all programs
coordinates the birth-to-age-four enrollment and the state funding application for the community network
Quality Providers: Act 3 (2012) called for the establishment of the Louisiana Early Childhood Care and Education Network to unify the state’s early childhood education programs. This statewide network is comprised of 65 local early childhood community networks that include every publicly-funded Pre-K, childcare, and Head Start program within the state.
Lead Agencies: Every Early Childhood Community Network has a lead agency that facilitates the coordinated leadership functions for the community. Lead Agencies coordinate local CLASS™ observations for publicly-funded sites, facilitate the coordinated enrollment process, conduct community meetings, and distribute communication from the Department.
Classroom Supports: Early Childhood Community Network improve family access to high-quality early learning experiences for children and increase support for programs.
Families: By empowering families with choice and raising the bar for all early childhood programs, Louisiana seeks to have every child prepared to enter and succeed in kindergarten.
Family Child Care (FCC) Educators

Ccap tool kit