
Everyone is a leader at McNally - you don't have to be enrolled in leadership class to participate!

Scroll down to view the leadership opportunities we currently have, and click on the embedded links to view more information!

NOTE: Leadership opportunities that center around an event are included under the Events tab.

Youth Engagement Focus Groups

McNally uses feedback recorded though anonymous, collaborative discussion sessions with randomly-selected students to make decisions on a variety of topics impacting student life! Find out more.

McNally Communications Team

The McNally Comunications Team is composed of many sub-groups, each in charge of one aspect of school-to-student communication at McNally! You can join this team if you're interested in helping out with morning announcements (YouTube Live), the school newspaper, the News Submission System, and so much more!


CAS is a program that students engage in as part of the International Baccalaureate program. Students create goals in the areas of Creativity Activity Service and choose activities that are personally meaningful for them. Many of the events at McNally are student CAS projects! Find out more.

2019-2020 Student Senate

Student Senate

The Student Senate is an opportunity for students to share their education-related perspectives and feedback to the EPSB Board of Trustees! McNally selects two senators every year to represent our school. Find out more.