Career Information

Students today will be part of one of the most technologically advanced workforces ever. For most high school students, planning a career can be an overwhelming experience and we need to reassure them that they need to begin with their own interests. It is important to remember that a career is more of an evolution than a destination.

We encourage students to take an active role in searching possible careers and learning about their many options. Harry Ainlay Counsellors and Career Center staff work together with the students to explore these career options through one-on-one discussions, Career and Post-Secondary sessions, Post Secondary Evening, Career Pathway opportunities and various other presentations. is a online tool that we use extensively to assist our students in planning their high school course selection, discover post-secondary options and look towards career options. MyBlueprint also feature self assessment tools to aid students in recognizing their personal interests and ways to transfer these interests towards a reward post-secondary and career experience.