News and Events
Support the Foundation Fundraiser!
Buy Lou Malnati's Frozen Pizza Coupons!
Each pizza coupon is good for one FROZEN 9" Pizza (sausage, pepperoni, spinach or cheese)
redeemable at any Lou Malnati's location in Illinois, Arizona, Indiana and Wisconsin.
$10 from each coupon sold will directly support EPS Students!
Attention Graduating Seniors - Apply for a $2,000 Scholarship
by March 21, 2025
Applies to any Advanced Vocational Training or College
Open to any graduating senior that is an EPS Alum!
Congratulations to Fiona VanOsdol
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 EPS Foundation Board of Trustees!
Join the EPS Foundation!
All are welcome - Parents, Teachers, Business and Community members interested in granting programs that enrich the learning environment for EPS Students.
and to obtain further information.
If you missed the fundraiser, it's not too late to support the Foundation.
All donations are used to enhance the education of our EPS students.
In-school Science Programs -- Makerspace Cricut Machines -- Buses and Field Trips -- Tuba, Xylophone and Ukuleles for Band and Music -- Hardcover Books for the writing program -- Poster Maker for school -- Middle School Musical materials and licensing fees -- And, many other programs!
The Foundation at a Glance
228 Grants Awarded
$269,625 Total Amount Awarded
$11,230 Average Awarded Annually
13 Annual $1,000 Plotkin Scholarships Awarded to Date
Click to see Plotkin Award Recipients
About the Foundation
Established in 1997
All volunteer - Meet the Current Foundation Board of Trustees
Non-profit, 501(c)(3) registered charitable organization
Contributions are tax deductible
All funding is raised through our fundraisers and donations
Funds programs that complement the EPS curriculum not normally within the school budget supporting:
Student Development
Staff Excellence and Creativity
School / Community Partnership
New Members Welcome! Interested in knowing more? See our Meeting Schedule and Minutes
Our Mission
Acquire and distribute resources for programs and projects enhancing learning opportunities for students, staff, alumni and community of East Prairie School District #73.
Our Goal
Enriching learning while creating memories that last forever!
How We Do It
We fund specific requests through Grants to the school and award a scholarship each year through the Plotkin Scholarship Fund.
Help Make a Difference for EPS Students
All funding is raised through our fundraisers and donations!
Grants awarded to date include Annual Programs supporting current curriculum, Specialty Programs, Classroom Equipment, Field Trips, and more.
Annual Programs
Science, History, Reading/Writing, and Art/Music Programs including Magnet Makers, Young Authors, and History Bee
"Thank you for sponsoring our Dig-It! We worked like real geologists when we panned for gemstones in the sand!"
"Thank you for the Lewis and Clark grant. We all learned a lot. All of us liked the video. I liked the beef jerky."
"I want to thank you for letting the scientist come to our room and let her show us so many cool projects like when we put on these 3-D glasses and got to see the rainbow colors all around!"
"Thank you, so very much, for our hardcover Young Author books. They make all the difference in the big writing project, and really give the students a bigger sense of accomplishment. Whenever the books are delivered to the classroom, the students are always overwhelmed with excitement. The enthusiasm for writing on this project is unreal."
Specialty Programs
Musical, Debate, FUTURES Unlimited, Dance Choreography, Fishing, Anti-Bullying BMX Assembly, and the NED Show Yo-Yos
"Thank you for affording us the opportunity to have a professional actress come in to teach our students improv. They had a wonderful time and learned a lot of great techniques!"
Classroom Equipment
Xylophone, Tuba, Digital cameras, piano, microphones, projectors, weather station and playground
"Thank you for purchasing BookFlix. It is a great resource for our classrooms."
Field Trips and Buses
White Pines, Emily Oaks, Holocaust Museum, and Chicago Architecture Tour
"Going to the show was an experience that I will be remembering forever. Thank you for sending us on a great trip."
Outdoor Classroom
The Outdoor Classroom is near the main entrance to East Prairie School and includes seating and grass areas plus a slate board for use in classroom instruction.
"The outdoor classroom is awesome! We look forward to being outside in such a great area for learning! Thank you!
Thank You Notes
Thank you notes from students!
These additional educational opportunities make a difference between a very good school system and an excellent one!
Contact for more information