Grant Request Process
Funding from the East Prairie School Educational Foundation begins with the teachers and staff.
Once an idea is raised and agreed within the teams, the Grant Request Form is completed and routed for approvals within the school.
After approval by both the Principal and Superintendent, the Grant is forwarded to the EPS Educational Foundation Vice-Chair of Projects.
Within the Foundation Projects committee, the grant request is reviewed and, if in line with the Foundation objectives, is recommended for approval by the Foundation Trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Once voted and approved by the Foundation Trustees, the Vice-Chair of Projects notifies the Grant submitter and District 73 Accounts Payable.
The Grant is paid out of District 73 funds and the invoice and payment details are provided to the Foundation Treasurer for reimbursement.
Grant Criteria
Proposal must be congruent with the East Prairie School Educational Foundation’s Mission and goals.
Funds may be used to bring in outside experts, but not to pay salaries or stipends to school personnel.
Funds may include equipment or materials, but only if they directly provide the means to achieve the educational objectives stated in the application.
Proposal must be innovative or creative (not used to conduct normal school curriculum).
Proposal must be completed within the current school year (or the following school year if grants are awarded late in the regular school year).
Funds must not be available from any other source (regular school budget, tax dollars).