What Does It Mean

To Be Free?

Welcome to our Fourth Grade

Virtual Freedom Museum

Freedom Museum Welcome Message.mp4

Click play to listen to our Fourth Grade student's performing

"America the Beautiful"

Lyricist: Katherine Lee Bates

Composer: Samuel Augustus Ward

America the Beautiful 2020.mp3

American Revolution

Underground Railroad

The Freedom Room

EA Freedom Gazette

Special Recognition

Our 2020 Freedom Museum took on an entirely new lens that prompted us to rework the products and presentation of our 4th graders’ work.

Nevertheless, the commitment to fulfill our cross-curricular objective remained the same: To culminate our fourth graders' work and learning of our Social Studies theme "What Does It Mean to be Free?"

Thank you for all your efforts and contributions to creating our premiere, “Virtual Freedom Museum.”

Fourth Grade Families

Dr. Terry Malone

Mrs. Leah Kimmet

Will Forbes

Blair Bendler

Kim Farrell

Mrs. Megan Yeaton

Mrs. Meghan Cangi-Mammele

Mr. Matt Dotzman

Mrs. Deborah Newnham

Mrs. Jennifer Lee

Mr. Tyler Smith

Srta. Lindsay McAvoy

Ms. Margaret Powers

Dr. Sara Tilles