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Credit: Bangor Daily News

The Coronavirus: Its Pros And Cons

Reporter: John Bailer

Editor: Alex Capuzzi

Have you ever wondered what the effects of the coronavirus are on everybody? Here are the pros and cons of the coronavirus. Okay, first of all pros. If you think about it the effects of the coronavirus are actually helping mother nature. People are not driving as much so there is less emission. And the con of the coronavirus in nature is that people aren't going out and taking care of the parks and wild preserves. Okay, next is what effect is it having on the communities at home? The pros are that it is encouraging people to get creative and try new things. Like say you're having a party during quarantine you have to mix it up a bit because all of the party places are closed. And cons is that the supermarkets have started doing policies on the number of customers allowed and that is really affecting. And the final con is that businesses are closing down, they are losing money and all schools have been moved to online learning which I think is not very efficient. Those are the pros and cons of the coronavirus.

Credit: Bloomberg Quint

The Economy Effects Caused By COVID-19

Reporter: Hudson Turner

Editor: Caroline Moran

The economy is plunging because of the coronavirus. Most people already know that because of the coronavirus no one is able to go to work and that means no one is making money but they are still spending money on food and other necessary things so all the money is draining away. People can still sometimes work from their house but in most cases they aren't making as much money from selling their products, and they can't do as much when they can actually be at their business. Doctors are making lots of money right now because they have to work but they have risks by working with people who may have this virus. It is not just doctors that can still work and take a risk. If you worked at a place that does carry out or deliver groceries you would be at risk. If you do not want to have any risk of getting this virus don't go out and do not see anybody.

The effect COVID is having on people.

Credit: Google Image Search

The Menacing Virus

Reporter: Tyler Forbes

Editor: Jacob Jackson

Visual Team: Harper Bruder

Have you ever had the flu or a fever? Have you ever had a painful virus that you feel would never end? You’ve never gotten even close to what the Coronavirus does to people.

First of all, I highly despise jokes about the Coronavirus because it’s way bigger than any of those jokers think. And apparently they only joke about it because “We can’t die from it”, which was completely tossed aside when a 5-year old died of Coronavirus. Also, these jokesters didn’t look at the sign saying 1,000,000+ people have been infected with Coronavirus and over 80,000 of those have died. Not something to joke about in public. Imagine a family member of yours died. What would you do to people who joked about it?

Alright, let’s get to the facts (and what little we have of them). Nobody alive knows who the first Coronavirus victim is, but we do know that that person was currently in Wuhan, China. But there is reason to believe that the Coronavirus started somewhere else, just not as big. I mean, Covid-19 (Coronavirus) might have been all the major epidemics/pandemics in the world, just getting stronger and stronger over time. Think about that! But if there is scientific evidence proving against this, well, I don’t know.

As I said earlier, we don’t have that much intel on this Menacing Virus, but hopefully that will begin to change.

Anyway, we also know how to prevent you from getting this virus. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds, wear a mask if passing people/strangers, be careful not to double-dip someone’s guacamole, don’t touch things that could get people the Coronavirus, and most of all, pay attention to your parents/guardians/teachers on what to do to prevent risk of contact with this deadly virus.

That’s all!

Credit: Google Image Search

Down Syndrome

Reporter: Hugh Anderson

Editor: Alex Capuzzi

Visual Team: Harper Bruder

Have you ever seen someone and wondered why they look so different from everyone else? Well there's a big chance that that person has down syndrome. You’re probably wondering why I say “BIG,” well that's because over 6,000 babies are born with down syndrome every year. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which happens when kids are born with an extra copy of a pair of chromosomes (chromosome: a small collection of genes in a human’s body). This causes both mental and physical challenges for the baby. But what I actually came here to tell you about is how we are treating people with this condition. People with down syndrome typically have trouble focusing and processing information like we do, but some people with down syndrome are really successful, including a 29 year old actress named Lauren Potter, or this actor named Tommy Jessop, or this actress Paula Sage. All people proving that just because they are different than you doesn't mean they are not as smart and good as you. So how are we treating them poorly you might ask? Well with all those people I just listed some of them might have not gotten a good education. Many people with down syndrome have trouble finding good schools that they can rely on. But we have been taking that into consideration now with places like the Melmark School, Sacred Heart Academy, Montgomery County Down Syndrome Interest Group, etc. So hopefully this has changed how you see certain people.

Image of Hitler himself

Credit: Google Image Search

World War II

Reporter: Hudson Turner

Editor: Yousuf Gilani

Visual Team: Harper Bruder

World War II was about Adolf Hitler trying to get rid of all the Jews in the world. The Nazis would take the Jews to places called concentration camps where most times Nazis would put the Jews in poisonous gas chambers and kill them. This war lasted from 1939-1945 and almost every country but Sweden and a few other small countries participated in it.

World War II started when Hitler was temporarily blind from being a runner in World War I. When he found out Germany surrendered he got really mad and wanted revenge. Hitler made speeches he got one more than third of Germany to vote for him to be the commander of the Nazis. When the war was in action Hitler made a group of young kids called the Hitler youth. The Hitler youth were forced to fight at the age of twelve, and the most devoted members of the Hitler youth would get medals for being tough fighters. Many people tried to take power from Hitler because he was a mad power driven man. When Hitler was a young man people tried to kill him when he was starting to gain too much power. They dropped a few bombs on the house he was in. When he grew up people tried to pull the same assassination but they failed and he survived.

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