What's Happening in P.E.

Warm Up

Every grade begins our P.E. class with repeating the three rules daily.

1. When the teacher is talking you are LISTENING.

2. If you have something IMPORTANT to say, you RAISE YOUR HAND.

3. Please keep your hands and feet to YOURSELF.

Then we say ABC--It's Time for P.E.!

The students begin with three warm up exercises to help get our heart rates up and stretch our bodies. In addition, they jog/walk a for two minutes.

In the months of January/February, the students participated in a plank challenge. They worked on form and added a second each day totaling a 30 second plank by the end. We will continue to work on building our strength throughout the year in various plank exercises.

Kindergarten @ Armstrong

The kindergarten students have been working on throwing an catching. We have been practicing how to throw underhand by swinging our arm back before releasing. In addition, the students use two hands to catch. Various games have been played and we try to aim for different targets.

In addition to this, we have been focusing on our hand eye coordination while working with basketball skills. Dribbling the ball with one hand and not allowing it to go any higher than our waist.

Locomotor movements are extremely important in Kindergarten. The students work all year on mastering their skip, gallop and hop. These are practiced through a variety of games.

Kindergarten and First Grade @ Wilson

Since I only see the kindergarten group once every three weeks, my main focus is working on good character skills. At Home Connections are sent home with the students after this lesson. They can also be found on my webpage under the At Home Connections tab. In addition to this lesson, we usually apply a game during our scheduled P.E. time to reinforce what we have learned.

First Grade @ Armstrong

The first grade students began the year with working on Team Building. We are working on how to work together as a team and never give up on one another. In addition, they are reviewing locomotor movements. Some examples include: running, walking, jumping, hopping, skipping, and galloping. We have been incorporating these movements by playing fun games. Assessments will take place at the end of each quarter.

First grade has concentrated on units such as soccer, throwing and catching balls, basketball and football all while focusing on hand eye coordination and agility skills.

Second Grade @ Wilson and Armstrong

Second grade also started the school year with Team Building. This is something that we will continue to focus on throughout the school year. In addition to team building, the students are learning the ABC's of P.E. This stands for Agility, Balance and Coordination. Currently, we are focused on agility. The ability to move a part or all of your body quickly and easily through the change of direction, jumping, hopping and reaction. Second graders have performed individual, paired and whole class tasks.

Second grade has concentrated more on basketball, football, and strength training. These students love a good challenge. They enjoy holding wall sits and planks while being timed. We have also included Yoga into our mind strength training. This has helped students relax, become more flexible and understand a task can simply be mind over matter. You CAN do it!