19 Mar

Today's class

Last day of classes: 23 May

Dropping out

In case you would like to drop out...

Us recordam que l’alumnat de modalitat presencial pot sol·licitar per escrit a la direcció del centre la renúncia de la matrícula per tal de no exhaurir les convocatòries que es preveuen a la normativa vigent. El termini per fer aquesta sol.licitud és fins a finals del mes de març.

Cal recordar que la renúncia no donarà dret a la devolució de taxes, i en cas de voler continuar els estudis en un altre moment, l’alumne/a haurà de tornar a participar en el procés d’admissió.

La direcció de l´EOI de Palma resoldrà les sol·licituds en un termini màxim de 10 dies naturals.Només es podrà sol·licitar la renúncia de matrícula d'un curs global d’un idioma i un nivell una sola vegada i l’alumnat no podrà continuar assistint a classe ni podrà ser avaluat.

L’alumnat interessat ha d’omplir la  sol·licitud de renúncia i lliurar-la a la secretaria del centre. Per baixar el document i tenir més informació podeu consultar la pàgina web.

Short story contest 

Write a short story and participate in the school contest


A writing competition is taking place at our EOI and I invite you to participate in it. This is the main information to consider:

 Summary of conditions:

The micro-story must be written in the language in which the student is enrolled. The exception is Catalan: stories written in Catalan by students not enrolled in this language are accepted.

This year, the word  "travel/trip"  must be included.

The maximum length is 1000 characters.


Basic (A1 and A2)

Intermediate (B1 and B2)

Advanced (C1 and C2)


Until April 8, 2024, to submit your micro-stories.

April 23, 2024: announcement of awards.

In order to write your short story and enter the contest, click here.

Thank you very much and good luck to all the participants! 

Final exam dates:


Written part: 5 June at 16.00

Speaking interview:


Written part: 3 Sep at 16.00

Speaking interview:

External students' enrolment

BOIB 16. 1 Feb 24

EOI Palma 

Fire drill:

You can take notes for the monologue (PCTO).


Dates to remember


Extra Speaking sessions


 Reading clubs:


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. 

Holes by Louis Sachar 

Matilda by Roald Dahl 


30 Nov, 22 Feb and 9 May from 17:30 to 18:30 at the school library 



The environment. Speaking


Passive voice


New Technologies




Phrasal verbs


One Thousand Phrasal Verbs in Context, Matt Errey

Making Sense of Phasal Verbs, Martin Shovel

BBC 6 Minute Vocabulary  

BBC Learning English  

More from the BBC Learning English website 

any doubts or questions?

Book work


 On Screen C1 p 40. Raising the School's Profile. Proposal

Speaking samples:


Write a proposal:

 Open World p 191. Towns and Villages. A Proposal: Task instructions


Oral presentation

In the course of this academic year you can give a 10 minute presentation on a topic you choose


In the course of this academic year you can read a book and tell us about it. You can use our school library.

Textbook work:

Tip: revisit newly learnt information at time intervals

Reflections on today's class

What have you learnt?

What would you like to remember?

What do you think you could use in your everyday English from today's class?

What part of today's class have you found both enlightening and enjoyable?

What are you going to share with your family tonight from today's class?