9 Oct

Today's class

Getting to know the school

Getting to know English File C1.1

Initial Evaluation

Talking about family relationships

General School information

Dates to remember

English File: discover the different book sections

Initial Evaluation

Useful links for all our classes:

Academic information

Oral presentation

In the course of this academic year you can give a 10 minute presentation on a topic you choose


In the course of this academic year you can read a book and tell us about it. You can use our school library.

Textbook work:

Tip: revisit newly learnt information at time intervals

Reflections on today's class

What have you learnt?

What would you like to remember?

What do you think you could use in your everyday English from today's class?

What part of today's class have you found both enlightening and enjoyable?

What are you going to share with your family tonight from today's class?