Research Group Activities

Conference Attendance 2024

AREF-IC 2024 Asian Rubber and elastomer federation International Conference

TiChE 2024

Highschool Students Visit

It's been so much fun welcoming lively high-school students interacting and being excited to see many toys in our research labs every year. Hope some of them will one day join our team!

TU Open House Activities

Introducing reseach activities in our research groupon Bioplastics/Biodegradable plastics and their applications to Highschool students.

Our product at Research exhibition

Showcasing of our natural rubber-based innovative packaging film at the National Research Council exhibition

Scoop of our lab on TV program

Our innovative packaging film is publicized in a news scoop. 

Click Introducing our laboratory to view.

New year party

Before Covid pandemic, we had Karaoke party every year!!! We kinda miss it!