
All of the concepts you have learned throughout SPIS will culminate in a final project. In this project, you will apply your Computer Science and Engineering skills to a real-world application in one of three project areas. Be sure to follow the Presentation Guidelines below.

As a backup option to play in case something breaks, also make a short video (around 3 minutes).

Machine Learning

Lab 7 gave you a taste of machine learning, applied specifically to the domain of text classification and text generation. At the bottom of that lab there are some ideas for extensions you can implement for your project. But if you’re looking for even more ideas, here are some general ideas for directions you might go. See the linked website below for specific guidance on many of these:

For structured guidance, we highly recommend you read the following page, which summarizes the general classes of machine learning problems:

We also highly recommend you follow the ideas and instructions on this page, which provides 8 hands-on machine learning projects for beginners:

The following video may also be informational:

Kaggle has a lot of public datasets you might want to use:

Web Applications

Getting Started

First and foremost, checkout lab 8 -- it'll give you an overview of how to build a webapp. Once you've had a taste of building a web app, here are some potential project ideas:

Then, you can checkout these subjects below:

Basics (rooted in Python and Flask, i.e. the stuff you learned in lab8)

Advanced Topics (including JavaScript)

While we encourage folks to stick to Python and Flask, some app ideas may require some JavaScript code.  If you need to learn JavaScript, here are some tutorial materials:

Advanced Topics:

There may or may not be time for the advanced topics below during SPIS. If there isn't, these are some topics for further study if you want to take your web app further after SPIS is concluded. 

Even More Flask:

Web Scraping (getting data from other sites)


Summary of steps to making a web app from scratch (details are in lab 8)