Lab 8: Introduction to
Web Applications

Part 5: Getting Started
with Render (hello world)

Links to:  Overview   Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6

If you find typos or problems with the lab instructions, please let us know.

In this part, we'll be learning how to put a simple Hello World web app online using Render

This part just concentrates on all of the Render specific stuff.  We keep the web app itself very simple so that we can just focus on the new concepts involving Render.

You can also come back later and use these same instructions (from Step 4 to the end)  to convert any of your other Flask webapps into ones that you can deploy on Render.

Why Render?

You can do quite a bit building a Python Flask-based webapp in GitHub Codespaces.  You may have already noticed that no one else can visit your app. There is a way around this: 

So now you really are hosting a webapp, but hosting it on GitHub Codespaces does have some drawbacks. Render gives us additional capabilities for hosting web apps beyond what Codespaces provides, including:

In addition, Render is often used in professional development environments, especially for prototyping.

Here's the outline:

Step 1: Create a free Render Account

Please visit and signup for a free account. (Click the Get Started button in the upper right.) You can sign up using either your Google account (i.e. your UCSD one) or your GitHub account. It will be one less password to remember and one less password that can get leaked.

After going through this initial step, you'll need to go to your email and click on the link in the message from Render to confirm your account.

You'll then arrive at this page, which is called the Render Dashboard. 
You'll need this page frequently, so it's a good idea to memorize the URL: 

For now, you can just leave this page open.   We'll need it in a later step.

Before going on:

Step 2: Open Flask project example, and fork it

Open this GitHub repo, which will take you to a very simple flask example: 

Once there, click the "Fork" button at the top of the page, which will create a new repo for you with the same code.  

On the next screen, under "Owner *" leave the driver's personal account as the owner of the repo. We're not really doing any development with this repo, so you don't need to stick it under the SPIS organization. Also, GitHub does not allow you to set forks of public repos to private, so we also don't want to clutter up the SPIS organization's repository list.

Add your pair partner to the repo (under Settings). 

There isn't much content in this repo. There's one Python file,, which contains the following:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)


def hello_world():

    return 'Hello, World!'

Step 3: Create a new Render app 

You are now ready to create a new app in Render. 

Naming your app

The first thing you need to do is choose a name.  Note that there a few rules for Render web service names:

To help ensure uniqueness, we suggest that you prefix your app names with your pair partner names in lowercase. For example, for this app, we suggest if your pair name is Alex-Chris, we suggest that you use alex-chris-hello as your app name.

That's it! Your hello world app has already been deployed. Click on the link at the top  (which has the form to test out your app. Note that the domain is not

We can now go to the RenderDashboard  ( and see that our app exists:

Step 4: Make a commit

One you've established that your web app is running, we're reading to try updating our app and deploying a new commit.

Go back to your fork of the Hello World repo in GitHub. Fire up a new Codespace and open Change something in the static message output to users who visit the root URL of the domain.

Commit your work and Sync (push) it to GitHub.

However: only the most recent commit gets pushed to Render, so it's important that if we've changed anything,  we need to do a commit.

If you don't remember how to make a commit, look back at Step 4 of Part 1 of this lab.

Step 5: Check automatic deployment

Try to reload your deployed web app. Do you see anything? If so, then you're done with this part! 

If not, click on your web service on the Render Dashboard. You'll be taken to the Events page. Do you see a deploy reflecting the commit message and time of your recent commit? If so, wait for the deploy to finish.

If not, there may be an issue with the GitHub permissions. Try a manual deploy instead. Click the blue "Manual Deploy" button in the upper right, and then click "Deploy Latest Commit" from the dropdown menu.

Click the Logs link on the left sidebar. When you see "Your Service is Live" in the terminal output, try reloading your app again to see the new message.

Step 6: Add a link for this repo and the Render app to your README. md

Go back into your lab08-name1-name2 repo, and in the, add a heading

# Part 5

And under that, put links to:

Almost done!

The last step is much shorter than the previous ones, so don't worry: you are almost finished with lab08.

Let's move on to Step 6

Links to:  Overview   Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6