THE Hybrid

The name of our monster is the hybrid. It a breed of snake and lizard. it lives in the Sahara desert. Her features include scorpion tail, 4 lizard legs with spiky toes,it has 4 fangs and she can spit venom. It eats whatever it can find, it is 35-50 feet long. It does not need a mate to have children, if it its a lot of food, the extra protein and food goes to make baby depressions,. it has two children every time it gets pregnant,when the babies are born they are call baby depressions because their venom causes you to go in a suicidal state and you kill yourself in 5 days or less the only way to cure the poison is to cut off the limb you got bit on.The children stay with their mother their whole life until it is at full length. it is strong enough to unground a sky scrapper. it weighs 500-1000 pounds. The hybrid is a excellent swimmer and crawler its skin can also blend in with its environment, to surprise its prey. The hybrid does not like cold weather if will start to burrow under ground until it warms up. I feel that Blumhouse should pick our monster because its very scary and a tank,it fears nothing and the movie would be interesting.