Relation between people’s backgrounds and their values.

gunnels, prairie.pdf

Essential Question

How do people’s backgrounds relate to their core values in life, and how do those values affect people’s response to situations about prioritizing certain values?

My Motivation

Since middle school, I have been curious about why people make certain decisions. This started as an attempt for me to grow my empathizing skills as some people would make decisions or have beliefs that I could not understand. For example, some of my relatives and I have polar opposite beliefs on a few topics and I find myself wondering why that is because when it comes down to it these topics are basic morals. So, I designed a project where I could learn about people's backgrounds and how they relate to the values they prioritize.

Unknown citation for the illustration.



I will finish my survey questions, then do a mock survey to see how people respond to my survey questions.


I will revise my survey and meet with my manager and other faculty to get any advice on my survey.


I will start to interview people.


I will finish my interviews and set up the template to gather my data.


I will put all my data into the template and start to write my conclusions.


I will be close to finishing my writing and seeking others to peer review my writing.


I will create my end of the year presentation, and present it.